Hi there, just like to say great work on CHDK, never knew it existed until today and got it running on my old Canon A640 no problem! Really astonished!
My first script loaded was Motion Detect Video by Johan Van Barel:
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/UBASIC/Scripts/CanonA640:_Motion_Detect_VideoThe script (default settings) worked well on detecting humans entering my kitchen (with lights on) however upon testing it on my cats, it does not detect them at all (with lights on also).
They are black cats and I need to detect them in my kitchen which has a dark-grey tile floor (I can see why detection could be a problem for the script!) - I assume this is the case!
So can you please suggest which settings to adjust in order for the script to detect them?
Thanks for any help and keep up the great work, cheers