Request: Override Frames per second recording on video clip mode - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Request: Override Frames per second recording on video clip mode

  • 1 Replies
Request: Override Frames per second recording on video clip mode
« on: 27 / February / 2012, 13:44:36 »
Request: Allow a changeable value of 15,30,60,90,120 fps for video recording mode.

It should be based on if the digic processor has the computing power and memory storage to handle the frame rate recording. 

Re: Request: Override Frames per second recording on video clip mode
« Reply #1 on: 04 / May / 2012, 09:43:38 »
And more importantly, to allow a 30fps camera to run at 25fps to make it truly compatible with PAL standard TVs (and why this isn't already in every camera sold by default is a mystery to me). Some Powershots do run at 24fps or 25fps, so why not make it adjustable for those that run at a higher fps?

Its unfortunate that those that run at odd fps won't do 30fps. This must be due to a sensor limitation or clocking frequency limitation or something.

I believe there's a phase locked loop crystal divider that generates the framing information, this will have the appropriate division ratios programmed into it.

« Last Edit: 04 / May / 2012, 09:56:03 by panash »


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