how can i ger the remote to run a script?
I would like to start a HDR script usen the remote.
i have been at it for days now and no luck.
all i can do is get the remote to just do a SIMPLE shoot.
and to me thats just a wast of time...........
i was working with "something" like this...
but all it does is click on forever.
I want it to start with the remote
it will take the 3 shots and then STOP
and then Wait for me to hit the remote button again to take the Next 3 shots.
@title High Dynamic Range
wait_click 1
is_key k "remote"
if k=1 then print "1) normal"
set_aflock 1
get_av96 p
get_sv96 s
get_tv96 t
print "2) bright"
set_tv96_direct t-192
set_sv96 s
set_av96 p
print "3) dark"
set_tv96_direct t+192
set_sv96 s
set_av96 p
set_aflock 0
print "...done"
goto "loop"