How im make settings to shot RAW - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

How im make settings to shot RAW

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Offline edip

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How im make settings to shot RAW
« on: 12 / March / 2012, 18:27:04 »
 I installed CHDK,but I fail to make settings yo shot Raw/
I set like this:
SAVE RAW                                  [ X]
RAW FILE PREFIX                          [IMG_]
RAE FILE EXTENSION                     [.CRW]
RAW SUBSTRACT PREFIX                [IMG_]
BAD PIXEL REMOVAL                     [AVREG.]
DNG FORMAT                               [X]
CREATE BAD PIXEL BIN                  I Click the shuter button and the camera take some picture (camera was                                              was directed to a blank wall)

First of all I got a text document and  renemed it in to "badpixel.lua" and then I put in CHDK/SCRIPTS/TESTS

Why I miss????????
Pictures appear only in jpg format,

Guide me please to succed to shot in RAW!!
I want the pictures to process in Photoshop.

    Thanks in advance.

Re: How im make settings to shot RAW
« Reply #1 on: 12 / March / 2012, 18:59:04 »
CREATE BAD PIXEL BIN   I Click the shuter button and the camera take some picture (camera was                                              was directed to a blank wall)
What message did you get on the screen when it finished this ?   Is there now a badpixel.bin file on your cameras SD card?

First of all I got a text document and  renemed it in to "badpixel.lua" and then I put in CHDK/SCRIPTS/TESTS
Why did you do this ?  At one time,  there was a script called badpixel.lua but it has not been needed for several years - the CHDK RAW menu is used to create the badpixel.bin file.

Pictures appear only in jpg format,
How did you look for the DNG pictures ?  You need to put the SD card into a card reader on your PC - you cannont use a USB cable and the camera software package to find picture unless they have the extension .JPG

Finally,  what camera are you using ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline edip

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Re: How im make settings to shot RAW
« Reply #2 on: 13 / March / 2012, 07:00:13 »
 I  found the problem.
 I have to put card in card reader,I did not know that with the data cable  I can see only in jpg format.

 You helped me enormously,I never thought this is the problem,

thank you again

Re: How im make settings to shot RAW
« Reply #3 on: 14 / March / 2012, 20:13:08 »
Ola pessoal,
Acabei registrando nesse fórum, preciso  de uma ajuda.
Possuo Canon SX40,estou com uma duvida, carreguei o CHKD converti Raw em DNG, fiz todo processo certinho, quando efetuo o disparo em fotos Raw-DNG tenho notado nas laterais das fotos um fundo preto,ou se eu efetuo disparo só em Raw, diz imagem invalida. O que pode estar acontecendo de errado?

Re: How im make settings to shot RAW
« Reply #4 on: 14 / March / 2012, 20:22:14 »
Hello people,
I just recorded this forum, I need help.
I own Canon SX40, I have a doubt, I loaded the CHKD Raw converted to DNG, I did the whole process correctly, when I make the photo shoot Raw, DNG've noticed on the sides of the photos a black background, or if I place only shooting in Raw, says image invalid. What could be going wrong?
The SX40 is a new port - it is likely the values used to frame the image in DNG format are wrong.

And you invalid image message is normal - RAW is just a dump of the sensor data.  It is not a format that most photography software can understand.  Sometimes those packages get updated to understand CHDK RAW for a particular camera but support needs to be added for each camera.  The SX40 is a new model so support is not available yet.

More information can be found here :

link> CHDK Wiki Page about RAW
link> CHDK Forum thread on RAW
link> CHDK Wiki Page about Raw Software
link> CHDK Forum Board for RAW
link> How do you fix lens distortion with CHDK RAW files?
link> Decoding CHDK RAW images from a new cameras
link> CHDK Tools : rawconvert.c

A SX40 é uma nova porta - é provável que os valores usados ​​para enquadrar a imagem no formato DNG está errado.

E você mensagem de imagem inválido é normal - RAW é apenas um despejo dos dados do sensor. Não é um formato que a maioria dos softwares fotografia pode entender. Às vezes, esses pacotes foram atualizados para compreender CHDK RAW de uma câmera especial, mas o suporte precisa ser adicionado para cada câmera. A SX40 é um novo modelo para o apoio ainda não está disponível.

Mais informações podem ser encontradas aqui:

link> CHDK Wiki Page about RAW
link> CHDK Forum thread on RAW
link> CHDK Wiki Page about Raw Software
link> CHDK Forum Board for RAW
link> How do you fix lens distortion with CHDK RAW files?
link> Decoding CHDK RAW images from a new cameras
link> CHDK Tools : rawconvert.c
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: How im make settings to shot RAW
« Reply #5 on: 15 / March / 2012, 19:58:56 »

Ufa... Fico feliz!!!
Pensei que fosse defeito da SX40.
Muito Obrigado, pela sua grande ajuda waterwingz.


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