SX40: AutoISO above ISO800? - page 3 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?

  • 25 Replies

Offline longtalker

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Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #20 on: 21 / March / 2012, 08:01:55 »

Not sure what else to try - it works fine on mine, it will select ISO up to 3200 in normal mode and 1250 in HQ burst.
The fix in 1739 sorted out the overexposure issue for me.


I got mine to go up to ISO800 in HQ mode, however there definitely seems to be a random element in how high it goes, as usually it does not exceed 400, sometimes it goes to 800, and very rarely I see it select 1250.

Also, though, if the max auto ISO is set to 3200 in the recent build, then why is it that yours only goes up to 1250, when there's one more step and a half still to go?

In ALT mode if you half press the shutter, and then press the left key (with the shutter half pressed) it will toggle zebra mode.

I've not had any instance of zebra being enabled when using bracketing.


I will do some tests to reliably reproduce this bug and ascertain in exactly what conditions in manifests itself & will report back.
LATER EDIT: ok so it seems that it activates Zebra mode whenever I half-press the shutter and then press the left key in order to switch to MF mode and set the focal distance to be the current AF value. This is just like you said above, except that, when I was doing that, I was *not* in Alt mode...
« Last Edit: 22 / March / 2012, 06:11:03 by longtalker »


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Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #21 on: 23 / March / 2012, 21:40:24 »
Hey Phil, look forward to hearing back from you when you get a chance :)


Offline longtalker

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Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #22 on: 26 / March / 2012, 16:47:35 »
So.... has anyone else encountered these two issues on their SX40?  ::)
« Last Edit: 27 / March / 2012, 04:18:23 by longtalker »

Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #23 on: 27 / March / 2012, 03:38:16 »

Is it possible that we can use zoom lever for manual focusing while shooting..... ::)
it would be great.

edit: I think I posted in wrong discussion... but could it be possible.

"Saying a Camera takes Nice Pictures is like Saying a Guitar Plays Nice Melodies"


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Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #24 on: 27 / March / 2012, 12:20:52 »
I second that suggestion (I know it's possible to do that for some Canon models - - but not also for the SX40, apparently), and I also look forward to hearing any thoughts about my previous two questions  :D
« Last Edit: 27 / March / 2012, 18:50:16 by longtalker »


Offline longtalker

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Re: SX40: AutoISO above ISO800?
« Reply #25 on: 17 / April / 2012, 16:24:48 »
I was wondering whether anyone else has stumbled upon this issue in the meantime, and/or found a workaround. Since my last post there have been many occasions where I needed to take pictures in high speed burst mode, and I could not, as the exposure would be much too slow, and that's because the Auto ISO would simply not go above 400 (or, once in a blue random moon, 1250). It would really be awesome if this feature were more robust in CHDK, in the sense of enabling the Auto ISO to take on the entire range of values, i.e. from 100 to 3200.

Still hoping... :)


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