Sorry to pester everybody but would somebody please kindly provide an update on the SD950 effort? This appears to be the only SD950 thread and it seems to have gone dead a few weeks ago. I am interested in buying an SD950 and I would love to have CHDK work on it. I am extremely well versed in computer science so I can help with porting but I'll warn you that my areas of expertise are in security, systems and network administration and not so much in systems or firmware design. Still, I might be of some use on the porting effort.
Is there a proper firmware dump for the SD950 yet?
Has booting been completed for the SD950 yet?
How far along can one consider the analysis of the SD950 firmware?
What are major obstacles that are blocking the effort?
What is the next action necessary to carry the effort forward?
If somebody provides these details I'll at least create the SD950 developer wiki pages. If it appears positive that there are no major items that make porting to the SD950 impossible then I'll go ahead and purchase one and I'll do what I can to help the port to it. I've got quite a bit of free time coming up next month and the summer.