waterwingz thanks again that is exactly what I wanted!
Hey is there any way to map the ring function button on the back?
Also I have been testing scripts and I have a question: What would cause image fish-eye when using zoom script?
What would cause image fish-eye when using zoom script?
you have any tips on where to start looking for a new button?
Quote from: colon247 on 18 / May / 2012, 00:55:31you have any tips on where to start looking for a new button?so far most of the memory mapped i/o for buttons etc has ended up in a three word array. It's read in platform/s100/kbd.c at the start of the routine my_kbd_read_keys(). At one point I printed the whole array to the screen from the spytask() when I was looking for something. If you look at the bottom of the spytask code in core/main.c you can still see where I inserted the hack - its commented out now with a #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_TO_LCD ....
Quote from: waterwingz on 18 / May / 2012, 01:14:43Quote from: colon247 on 18 / May / 2012, 00:55:31you have any tips on where to start looking for a new button?so far most of the memory mapped i/o for buttons etc has ended up in a three word array. It's read in platform/s100/kbd.c at the start of the routine my_kbd_read_keys(). At one point I printed the whole array to the screen from the spytask() when I was looking for something. If you look at the bottom of the spytask code in core/main.c you can still see where I inserted the hack - its commented out now with a #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_TO_LCD ....Or enable the 'debug keymap' code in the gui_draw_debug_vals_osd() function in core/gui.c.Phil.
The normal motion scripts seem to start shooting by itself when left alone a few second and no movement.
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