S100 porting thread - page 20 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

S100 porting thread

  • 287 Replies
Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #190 on: 05 / December / 2012, 19:36:05 »
Does any of the current work on CHDK for the S100 lend itself to forcing TTL flash in Manual metering mode? This is a *very* desirable feature for using the S100 in underwater strobe photography.  There is a script available for the S95 CHDK, but as the S100 has a different processor it won't work as-is.
Post a link to the script ?  Might be easier to convert it than make up something new.
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Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #191 on: 05 / December / 2012, 19:51:22 »
Certainly! The author posted it here:

Note that the first post on that page has his original script, but he posted an update partway down, and the link above should take you there.

The author has also said that even though the TTL-Manual script does not work, it is possible to override aperture in shutter priority mode, which is another way to get to a similar end. I haven't yet experimented with that myself--still researching how to *install* CHDK over here, in fact. :)

Thanks a bunch for the help. TTL in manual mode would be the cat's pajamas for myself and many other underwater shooters.

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #192 on: 05 / December / 2012, 22:49:24 »
Note that the first post on that page has his original script, but he posted an update partway down, and the link above should take you there.
Looks like the original script should work just fine without modification for all cameras except the very old ones (2006 or so).

The "improved" script uses a propcase value (127) not documented in the CHDK include files but that does show up in the ProperyCase wiki page.  From what it says there,  the improved script should also work for all but the oldest camera models.

Why did you think the script would work for the S95 but not the S100 ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #193 on: 05 / December / 2012, 23:29:59 »
Having not tried it myself yet, I was operating on forum hearsay. In another forum thread, the author relayed a report from an S100 owner claiming that the script did not work. (http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/canon-corner/425075-chdk-s100.html)

That is not a direct source, though. it was also in June, early in S100 CHDK development, which could have been the problem.

If you think it looks good, that is great news! Thank you kindly for taking the time to look.

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #194 on: 06 / December / 2012, 12:46:17 »
Replying to myself: Thanks to Acid and SDMInst I got my S100 booting CHDK. It took some fiddling to get that TTL script installed and learn my way around the OS, but... with the linked script, TTL flash in manual does seem to work. I tried some test exposures with my housing and scuba strobe and exposures looked pretty good at a variety of manual exposure settings.

Things of note for anyone else who wants to try this--

- The S100's own 3-step flash power setting is still active when TTL is forced on via the script. I found that exposures looked best with this setting at its lowest value. YMMV.
- The script has its own power override too, in the script config menu. and I do not know how the two values might interact--didn't play with that. I left it at its default value.
- If your strobe has a TTL-friendly power dial, it too factors in to the exposure. It seemed to me that the adjustable power on my S&S DS-01 did not produce as wide a range of adjustment as I see in an unmodified Canon aperture priority mode with TTL.

I think this would be a nice feature to add to CHDK's own configs, but the script definitely does the job. Thanks for the help Waterwingz, without your assistance I probably would have just believed those old forum posts and never tried this out.

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #195 on: 06 / December / 2012, 20:16:15 »
Replying to myself: Thanks to Acid and SDMInst I got my S100 booting CHDK.
Glad you got things loaded.   I really should have pointed you here :

      CHDK Wiki : Prepare your SD Card

which would have given you this fairly simple process that does not need SDMInst :

      Cameras released after 2010
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #196 on: 25 / December / 2012, 22:39:15 »
This is my first post ever on CHDK.  I have the S100 and have installed CHDK on my card and it works great except for one problem, and that is the over-ride function does not seem to be working.  I set the camera to M (manual) mode and just to be thorough I set the settings that I would like there just for good measure, even though I will be over-riding them.  This is what I have done:
power up
playback to get to alt mode
enhanced photo operations>
disable overrides "no"
override Av "4.00"
override ISO "200"
override JPEG quality "Sup.Fin"
disable overrides on startup (disabled)

exit back into camera mode and the override shows up on the display so I know that it is activated.  Great! good to go right? Not so much, when I halfway depress the shutter release the problem manifests itself, the ISO goes from 200 to 320 and the AV goes from F4.0 to F4.0 -x (depending on light it says -1/3 right now.)  Why is this not truely manual mode and why is it not overriding?

If anyone can help I would love to know what I have missed.


Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #197 on: 26 / December / 2012, 14:22:27 »

I am having the same problem using the s100 with my usb shutter release. The overrides are... well overridden when you focus.

Any ideas?


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Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #198 on: 26 / December / 2012, 15:05:43 »
This is my first post ever on CHDK.  I have the S100 and have installed CHDK on my card and it works great except for one problem, and that is the over-ride function does not seem to be working.  I set the camera to M (manual) mode and just to be thorough I set the settings that I would like there just for good measure, even though I will be over-riding them.  This is what I have done:
power up
playback to get to alt mode
enhanced photo operations>
disable overrides "no"
override Av "4.00"
override ISO "200"
override JPEG quality "Sup.Fin"
disable overrides on startup (disabled)

exit back into camera mode and the override shows up on the display so I know that it is activated.  Great! good to go right? Not so much, when I halfway depress the shutter release the problem manifests itself, the ISO goes from 200 to 320 and the AV goes from F4.0 to F4.0 -x (depending on light it says -1/3 right now.)  Why is this not truely manual mode and why is it not overriding?

If anyone can help I would love to know what I have missed.


Sounds like it is working correctly.
In M mode the '-x' next to the aperture is telling you the camera thinks the shot will be underexposed based on your settings.
CHDK uses 'real' ISO values, Canon displays 'market' ISO values so a CHDK ISO of 200 is equivalent to a Canon ISO of 320 (search the forums for real vs market ISO for more detail).

CHDK ports:
  sx30is (1.00c, 1.00h, 1.00l, 1.00n & 1.00p)
  g12 (1.00c, 1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  sx130is (1.01d & 1.01f)
  ixus310hs (1.00a & 1.01a)
  sx40hs (1.00d, 1.00g & 1.00i)
  g1x (1.00e, 1.00f & 1.00g)
  g5x (1.00c, 1.01a, 1.01b)
  g7x2 (1.01a, 1.01b, 1.10b)

Re: S100 porting thread
« Reply #199 on: 04 / January / 2013, 08:33:58 »
The "script" does work with the S100......what I found was similar in respect to flash level

The down side of thescript is that if you have a user menu in CHDK and want to toggle between the script "on" and "off" you need to power the camera off....or eliminate the menu

For underwater use I've found that setting the camera in Tv and using chdk to set the aperature was more convienient than the afore mentioned script

Of course, if you want to leave it it ttl manual then there is no issue


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