This might be a dumb question but what happens when this number is wrong?
as for the boot, unfortunately i've been unable to find the correct value to check during boot in order to choose between play or rec so the camera only boots in play mode and then you have to switch manually (left as a todo in notes.txt)
*(int*)(0x26E0+0x4) = (*(int*)0xC022F48C)&4 ? 0x200000 : 0x100000;
I found this when looking for sx260 power on button.for s100 in boot.c it should beCode: [Select]*(int*)(0x26E0+0x4) = (*(int*)0xC022F48C)&4 ? 0x200000 : 0x100000;@colon247 would be great if you could test this.
long get_vbatt_min() // TODO:{ return 3200;}long get_vbatt_max() // TODO:{ return 4050;
how did you find the value?
ROM:FF00FE48 loc_FF00FE48 ; CODE XREF: sub_FF00FDDC+10jROM:FF00FE48 ; sub_FF00FDDC+1CjROM:FF00FE48 MOV R0, #0x36 ---------v Plug this valueROM:FF00FE4C BL sub_FF02BC18 <-------< down here |
ROM:FF02BC18 sub_FF02BC18 ; CODE XREF: sub_FF00FDDC+24pROM:FF02BC18 ; sub_FF00FDDC+34p ...ROM:FF02BC18 LDR R1, =dword_FF452BDCROM:FF02BC1C LDR R2, [R1,R0,LSL#3] //0xFF452BDC+(0x36<<3)==0xFF452D8C==0xC022F48CROM:FF02BC20 LDR R2, [R2]ROM:FF02BC24 ADD R0, R1, R0,LSL#3ROM:FF02BC28 LDR R0, [R0,#4] //0xFF452D8C+0x4==0x00000004ROM:FF02BC2C ANDS R0, R0, R2ROM:FF02BC30 MOVNE R0, #1ROM:FF02BC34 BX LR
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