Hello waterwingz
its time to stop pretending this is a big deal
Sorry, I wont mention it again

. I know you are in both port-posts and a skilled programmer and not happy about me mentioning it - but I thought some camera behavior could have to do with this.
Most, if not all, picture software will accept DNG files
I meant RAW/DNG
developing software like lightroom (and not DNG to DNG or RAW converting software) (but I cant use lightroom on my computer as i said - and yes, lightroom works very well with these DNGs) - so could you tell some other programs which will do - and are "affordable"

If this would be a problem in the color table, why can lightroom handle it and Capture One not?
Has someone checked if there are
the right "colormatrix values" in this table?
Regarding the ISO 50 question, it should work to set the exposure compensation
Thank you very much lapser for reply on my question.
A script or manual compensation, ok. I will try to look more into scripting in the next weeks. As far I have seen, there is a lot possible.
I'm a little sad, that these overrides are not correctly displayed/can not be corrected in firmware - in the way of making the monitor image lighter or darker and showing the correct apperture and time values (as done in normal light meter reading).
But your workaround will help me at the moment.
I've just read an old post about ETTR (exposure to the right) in the forum - sounds really interesting to me. Could there be something like this in the firmware (I mean ETTR and image postprocessing in camera, so that the resulting jpeg comes out correct exposed but with far better tonality)? I mean, producing better jpegs right out of the camera. (Because not everytime a DNG can/has to be done).
I think ETTR could be done in a script(?) but postprocessing? So what do you think about such a funktion?
I think here are some very talented programmers, so even if this is not the exactly right place to ask, perhaps someone could answer on this?
I have an additional question too: If there is a new CHDK release, for example a new version with new funktions, do you use this new one for your firmware builds or all the time a once selected one (do you know what I mean?) ? Or are all CHDK individual builds?
Thank you very much. -
Tom -