I am using a very recent 1.3 build. One sure way to crash the camera is set a subject dist override and set manual focus then half press. This is not a setting that would make sense so it may not be important however even when not set to manual focus sometimes half press produces a crash. This is not related to any of the focus settings like servo af, continues af etc as it happens with or without them enabled.
My main problem with the camera is that I wanted to use it for aerial photo from a UAV, but images are always out of focus with any combination of settings imaginable. On the ground it seems to work but once in the air for some reason it cannot focus. The settings I use are the usual for this kind of photo, same that work on my other camera, an elph320. This is what led me to trying manual focus and distance overrides but then the crashes became the problem, specially when I need to take hundreds of pictures per flight so even a not so frequent crash is a big problem.
I have noticed when showing subject distance in the OSD that half press to focus multiple times gives different values each time for distances of 20m or more. And sometimes when distance override is set for example to 20000cm and the subject is actually about that far the OSD will show values around 20.0 instead of 200.
I would be happy to try anything or send you any logs, just let me know what to do.
On a related topic, does anyone know how to trigger by USB without CHDK? I wanted to try taking pictures without the software to see if the camera alone has the focusing problem, but I don't know how to trigger once in the air.