DNG4PS-2 unofficial release - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

DNG4PS-2 unofficial release

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Offline srsa_4c

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DNG4PS-2 unofficial release
« on: 30 / March / 2012, 19:03:10 »
I decided to make some changes to this (abandoned) piece of software.

Disclaimer: I don't know much about most of the things it does, and I don't plan to be a maintainer.

- Two additional Bayer matrix types have been made available. These are supported by the underlying dng sdk library. I may not have noticed some details, so bugs are possible.
- The camera definitions can now be exported and imported to / from a text file. Either all cameras or the selected one.
- Cosmetic change to the settings dialog (a scrollbar, this was the hardest part for me  :blink:).

Possible problems:
- Messing with the camera definitions can leave "junk" in the registry (not a big problem, as it only affects the DNG4PS-2 config data). This could be improved of course.
- The cameras are identified by a random (generated) string. One can overwrite an existing definition by importing another with the same "id". No warning will be shown in this case. I would also note that this clash is extremely unlikely.
- There are no tooltips for the new buttons.
- No installer. You need to extract the archive contents to a folder.
- The program uses the same registry keys as the "official" version.
- The newly introduced strings are not translated yet, everything is in English. Contributions are welcome (language files for translators are in the smaller attachment).

The build that is attached was created with VS2008 Express SP1, x86, Win32. It needs the VS2008SP1 runtime DLLs in case you don't have those: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=5582
It seems to run fine on WinXP and Wine.

Tech details:
boost_1_49_0 (its source only needs to be extracted), needed env var: boost_include
wxWidgets-2.9.3 (I built it as static libraries), needed env var: wx
I have used the latest unstable Code::Blocks IDE (only to mess with the wxSmith form data).

None of my changes should prevent compilation on other OSes. (I have succeeded to compile it under linux a few months ago, but don't have the needed changes ATM)

If you find it working, you can post your exported camera definition text files here.

File size:    1378873 bytes
Filetype:    7-zip archive data, version 0.2
MD5:    63d288ed6ee34b7899ff20c23ea334dd
SHA1:    84a89fba6dc4fc3848ed497e31c59c0f233d3d75


edit: the official version can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/dng4ps2/
« Last Edit: 30 / March / 2012, 19:15:44 by srsa_4c »


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