ff446e00: 000298f1ff446e04: 03938700 frequencyff446e08: 04740474 ff446e0c: 04740474 regAff446e10: 00000474ff446e14: 000006dc regBff446e18: 000006dc ...ff446e24: 00090008ff446e28: 00000000ff446e2c: 00000003 ...ff446e80: 002d0000ff446e84: 00000000ff446e88: 000a06af ...ff446ecc: 00000001
FF025808 MOV R2, R0,LSL#14FF02580C MOV R2, R2,LSR#14FF025810 ORR R2, R2, #0x400000FF025814 STR R1, [R2]FF025818 STR R1, [R0]FF02581C BX LR
"loc_FF1879E8:\n" "LDR R1, =0x777\n" "LDR R0, =0xFF186114\n" "BL sub_FF00EC88\n""loc_FF1879F4:\n" ); if( (int)conf.disable_audio == 1) { asm volatile("BL disable_audio\n"); } asm volatile( "LDR R2, =0x8552\n" "LDR R0, [R6, #0xB8]\n" "MOV R3, #2\n" "MOV R1, #0xAA\n" "BL sub_FF08AD7C\n"
void __attribute__((naked,noinline)) disable_audio( ) { asm volatile ( "STMFD SP!, {R0-R1,LR}\n" "LDR R0, =0xC2E3C\n" "MOV R1, #0\n" "STR R1, [R0,#8]\n" "LDMFD SP!, {R0-R1,PC}\n" );}
"loc_FF1883F4:\n" ); extern short movie_status; if( (int)conf.disable_audio == 1 && movie_status==4 && *(int*)0x85B8==1) //if recording_started && is_first_frame { asm volatile( "BL sub_FF05BA94\n" //function that disables the AudioIC. ); } asm volatile ( "LDR R1, [R4,#0xF0]\n" "BLX R1\n"
HI all, thanks for sharing, but I got a question. I got one sx230hs, is it possible to record videos in 24fps but using a different shutter speed, like 1/48; 1/60 or so on. with 1/48 we got a cine-style.Another question, is it possible to get a technicolor cine-style to record a flat image and then post process on Adobe Premiere?
I would also like to see additional video controls, mainly a way to lock exposure, and probably someday, unlock 1080p 30fps which the CPU is able to handle unless canon is running the sx220 and 230 at a lower clock speed
Known bug: the function "restore" in fps.lua doesn't get called when the script is interrupted
function restore()--restore codeendrepeat --loop code wait_click(50)until is_key("menu")restore()
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Started by superphoto Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes)
Started by Jucifer Creative Uses of CHDK
Started by superphoto Feature Requests
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