sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it. - page 8 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #70 on: 16 / June / 2012, 12:49:09 »
I gave up on this Isue....
without chdk i can do manual focus perfectly
and with chdk i just use Auto focus and its perfect
but with chdk and manual focus Just dont work for crud .
as i said its just like the Focus range has been cut back in manual mode.

Cause of this Isue i dont use CHDK mutch now.
I cant help out on this as i am trying to move and take care of my Disabled mother.
so i dont have alot of time on my hands to upload Raw images all over the place and things.

And I am NOT the Only one that has noticed this isue with the sx40.

this shot was taken with Auto focus.

and here is the manual focus at its MAX (Inf)
As i turn the manual focus i can watch the image get better and better but it wont quite reach were it shuld........
 just like there is not quite enough ... its like its just 3 steps away from good.

« Last Edit: 16 / June / 2012, 13:18:49 by radioman193 »


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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #71 on: 16 / June / 2012, 18:40:12 »
I gave up on this Isue....
without chdk i can do manual focus perfectly
and with chdk i just use Auto focus and its perfect
but with chdk and manual focus Just dont work for crud .

When you say 'Auto' focus do you mean you are using the green 'Auto' mode on the camera dial?

If so you are not comparing things equally.
The green 'Auto' mode has fixed setting including sharpening and, IMO, oversharpens images.

That's what I'm seeing in your images - the first one has a very strong sharpening applied.
If I take the second image and apply strong sharpening to it the results are very similar to your first image.
(see attachment).

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #72 on: 17 / June / 2012, 06:53:41 »
the SAME thing was done with both images.
only thing is
one was auto focus ... (NOT AUTO MODE)
the other was manual focus .(NOT AUTO MODE)

and the camera was in "P" mode for them.(NOT AUTO MODE)

for focus you have on the sx40 >>macro auto focus<< >>Normal Auto focus<< and you have >>manual focus<<
1 is a icon of a flower
2 is a icon of mountans
3 is an icon with MF

and i Do not use anay of the "my colors" or nothing.

i was just letting ya know that most like 98% of the time i just dont use CHDK in the sx40 because of this isue...
« Last Edit: 17 / June / 2012, 07:11:18 by radioman193 »

Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #73 on: 01 / December / 2012, 14:28:08 »
I know that has been a long time since the last post on this, but here's a tip that may be useful.

When you're using certain additional lenses and filters with the SX40, it can be very difficult to manually focus your camera to infinity. I found this when trying to photograph faint deepsky objects with my Raynox 2025 Pro tele-conversion lens. Due to the fact that there isn't enough light in the subject to get the camera to auto-focus, manual focusing is the only option available. I have to say that this is a bit hit or miss.

Something that I stumbled across by accident was to find an object that does have enough light to auto-focus on - the moon or Jupiter works well for me. Get the camera to auto-focus by depressing the shutter half way and hold the button there, whilst the shutter is half pressed push the manual focus button and the manual focus will set to the same distance as the auto-focus setting.

Save your setting in the C1 or C2 setting on the camera.

This isn't so much one of the features of CHDK, but is a handy way to set the manual focus accurately on an object at a fixed distance.


Offline lapser

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #74 on: 02 / December / 2012, 00:46:27 »
I didn't read the whole thread, but this problem may be caused by having "Safety Manual Focus" set to ON. It overrides your manual focus settings if it can't find anything in focus. Be sure to go the camera record menu and turn it off.

When you're sure Safety Manual Focus is OFF, click the <left> button and choose manual focus. Then try running the attached script to set manual focus to infinity. After the script runs, it should maintain the infinity focus until you go back to auto focus.

Code: (Lua) [Select]
@title Focus At Infinity
if(get_focus_mode()~=1) then
  print("Must be in")
  print("MANUAL Focus Mode")
  repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting()
  while(get_shooting())do sleep(50) end
  print("Focus set to",get_focus())
« Last Edit: 07 / December / 2012, 13:51:04 by lapser »
EOS-M3_120f / SX50_100b / SX260_101a / G1X_100g / D20_100b


Offline Ironwave

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #75 on: 07 / December / 2012, 00:36:32 »
I am interested to help sort this problem out.
I have the same problem that I can't get nice infinity focus on my sx40.

Im also attempting to do Star photography.

Shall I start out by sending in some shots with all its stats included?
Sx40hs-learning how not to just point and shoot.
Next stop; Astrography.


Offline lapser

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #76 on: 07 / December / 2012, 13:50:06 »
I updated my last post and the script attached to it, to make it more clear.

You have to be in Manual Focus Mode before starting the script. After running the script, you will be in Manual Focus Mode set to a distance of -1, which means Infinity.
EOS-M3_120f / SX50_100b / SX260_101a / G1X_100g / D20_100b


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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #77 on: 08 / December / 2012, 03:55:30 »

You can try the following code for switching into MF mode:
Code: (lua) [Select]
if(get_focus_mode()~=1) then
    print("Switch MF mode")
    sleep(500) -- maybe not necessary
Btw, with CHDK version 1.2 we have an extra override function for MF infinitely. There is also a shortcut.



Offline Ironwave

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #78 on: 08 / December / 2012, 08:56:49 »
Ill try out the suggestions and report back.
Sx40hs-learning how not to just point and shoot.
Next stop; Astrography.


Offline lapser

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Re: sx40HS focus to infinity not doing it.
« Reply #79 on: 08 / December / 2012, 12:19:55 »
You can try the following code for switching into MF mode:
Thanks! I was wondering if that could be done. Do you think it will work for all cameras?

I put my  more generalized code for focusing in its own lua script (attached).
Code: (lua) [Select]
@title Focuser
@param d d (mm) inf -1 hyp 1 auto 0
@default d -1

d is the focal length desired in mm
0 locks in the auto focus determined by the camera
-1 focuses at infinity
1 focuses at the hyperfocal distance
  i.e. the nearest focal distance where infinity is still in focus

function restore()
  --will leave camera in manual focus mode for next script

function press_half()
  repeat sleep(50) until get_shooting()

function release_half()
  while(get_shooting())do sleep(50) end

if(d~=0 and get_focus_mode()~=1) then click("left") end -- goes into manual focus during half shoot

if(get_focus_mode()==1) then --can only set focus in manual focus mode
    if(d==1)then d=(get_dofinfo().hyp_dist*110)/100 end
--sometimes d is truncated below hyp-dist and far limit isn't inf (-1)
--multiplying by 1.1 (or 110/100 integer math) corrects this
else set_aflock(1) end

Btw, with CHDK version 1.2 we have an extra override function for MF infinitely. There is also a shortcut.
That shortcut (left or right in <alt>?) crashed the sx260 and didn't work with the G1X. Philmoz figured out that you have to be in manual focus mode for set_focus(d) to work. The shortcut doesn't do anything on my sx260 now. I wonder if they took it out?
EOS-M3_120f / SX50_100b / SX260_101a / G1X_100g / D20_100b


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