1st off, I am a newbie so be gentle
I was looking for a way to workaround the 30 minute video time limit (4GB FAT32) on my S95 when I stumbled across CHDK... very cool.
I have managed to verify my FW, load the CHDK, and play around with it a bit including a few of the stock scripts.
Problem is, I cannot find a working script for continuous video for the S95 & I am far from a coder... I have tried both scripts here:
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Continuous_Video as well as some in various message threads.
I get this:
*** STARTED ***
*** FINISHED ***
uBasic: 1 Unk stmt
Anyone have any tips? Or is there a script out there I have overlooked? Or better yet can someone make edits to the BSA script above to work with the S95?
Appreciate the help!