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Yet Another Sunset Script (yass)

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Yet Another Sunset Script (yass)
« on: 01 / January / 2010, 21:48:33 »
Yet Another Sunset Script (yass)

I decided to adapt the sunset4.bas script for my particular camera model.
SD 1100 IS (IXUS 80 IS)

I also decreased the pause times and removed nearly all the code comments and remarks to make the script process faster. In the end I had Yet Another Sunset Script. Thus I named it yass01a.bas

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Script to shoot time-lapse videos of sunsets
based on sunset4.bas v. 4, Fbonomi apr 30th 2008
v. yass01a, modified by Soulf2 dec 28th 2009

There are many Sunset scripts available and this is yet another.
I did not write the original code! YASS is based on sunset4.bas.

Goals of YASS:
1) Need for speed!
I needed a script that would take as many shots as possible.
This would give me more frames to work with and make the end result video nice and smooth.
To accomplish this, I slimmed some code and removed most of the remarks and comments.
Goal accomplished!

2) Override wife's default camera settings!
I needed the script to change all the default camera settings my wife likes to use.
When the script is done, my wife's default settings are still there,
and I don't get nagged with the question: "Did you forget the set the camera setting back to the way I like them?"
Goal accomplished!

3) Free Disk Space detect and shutdown!
I wanted to set a specific number of free disk space for the script to detect.
When the free space falls below the specified number in MB, the camera automatically shuts down.
Goal accomplished!

How to use

NOTE: I added most of the below options to work with my SD 1100 IS (IXUS 80 IS).
Your camera may or may not be fully compatible.
Please post your cam model, yass version number and results in the CHDK forum for others to see.


Delay (sec)
default = 1 second
This is the minimum delay between each photo. On my cam, the script run time is about 4 seconds.
With the 1 second default, I can get about 20 shots each min.


Limit Tv
default = -320
Shutter Speed. (-414=20 sec; -384=15 sec; -320=10 sec; -224=5 sec)
On my cam, 10 sec is all I need to capture an awesome night sky with stars.
Unfortunately, I have not taken the time to understand the math to calculate Seconds into Tv.
Once I figgure it out, I will use it on a future version and replace "Limit Tv" with "Limit Exposure (Secs)"


Default Sv
default = 480 (ISO 160)
ISO (Sv 480 = ISO 160) (Sv 776 = ISO 1250, Sv 960 = ISO 5000)
First photo ISO setting.
In a future version I would like to replace "Sv" with "ISO" and have the script do the math for you.


Limit Sv
default = 500 (ISO 200)
ISO (Sv 480 = ISO 160) (Sv 776 = ISO 1250, Sv 960 = ISO 5000)
Maximum photo ISO setting. If the ISO is too high, the photos will look grainy or pixelated.
I suggest ISO 200 (500), but you can decide for yourself.
In a future version I would like to replace "Sv" with "ISO" and have the script do the math for you.


Guess mode limit
default = -200
I am not sure what this is... ??? Best not to change.


Slope in guess mode
default = 5
I am not sure what this is... ??? Best not to change.


RAW 0=off 1=on
default = 0 (Off)
Save images in uncompressed RAW format when on. RAW files are lage and take lots of memory card space.
Save images as compressed JPGs when off.


Free Disk MB Shut down
default = 20 MB
Before each photo check if the available space is less than this value.
If your free disk is less than this number in MB, then the camera automaticly shuts off.


Focus 0=norm 1=mac 3=inf
default = 3
Focus setting. 0=Normal 1=Macro 3=Infinity
For Sky photos, the focus should be set to the farthest distance (Infinity).


Flash 0=Auto 1=On 2=Off
default = 2 (Off)
This script is for sunsets, so flash should be off.
Also, when you turn the flash off, the red eye lamp also turns off (thats good).


IS 0-3 Con,Shot,Pan,Off
default = 3 (Off)
Image stable options (0)Continous, (1)Shot Only, (2)Panning, and (3)Off.
Since your camera is on a tripod, this should be off.
If your camera is not on a tripod, then your doing it wrong.


Fix red eye 0=off 1=on
default = 0 (Off)
This feature scanns your photo for faces with red eye.
Since your taking pictures of the sky, this should be set to off.


AF Beam 0=off 1=on
default = 0 (Off)
Auto Focus Beam.
The focus should be set to Infinity for sky photos.
Since the focus is set to Infinity, the Auto focus beam should be turned off.


Red eye beam 0=off 1=on (broken)
Unfortunately, this setting is not working.
If you set Flash to Off(2), then the Red eye beam will automaticly be disabled.


Img Quality 0=SF 1=F 3=N
default = 1
Image Quality 0=Super Fine, 1=Fine, 3=Normal
If you have a small memory card, you may want to use Fine or Normal to fit more photos.
A typical sunset can easily be over 1000 photos.
I suggest starting with Normal(3) and see if the quality meets your standards once the full video is rendered.


Wish List

There are 3 functions I would still like to add:

1) ND Filter option
2) Photo dimensions option
3) Photo preview time

I would also like to add in the math for Exposure and ISO.
If anyone already has the math, please PM me in the CHDK forum (Soulf2).


I would like to thank the CHDK community and Fbonomi for the Sunset4.bas code that drives this version!!!

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