Your concern is well founded. Ports without the fastest MD implemented correctly will not capture lighting very reliably. Unfortunately, there is no list as to which ones have this outside of the source code, and even if it is in the source, that doesn't actually mean it's implemented correctly.
In addition the cameras from 2010 onwards appear to have longer shutter lag before the shot is taken - even if everything is set to manual.None of the cameras I have ported can get under 140 - 150 milliseconds for MD response time.I'm reasonably sure the viewport code is correct for the MD detect.
MD implemented correctly - what does it really mean? Is there a special par of the code, that has to be optimized for certain camera? How? MD on SX130is seems to be not very fast, so I would be interested in any suggestions what is to be done...
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb(){ return 0x0;}
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb() // G10 @ FF83A41C routine - match with IXUS980_SD990{ void **fb=(void **)0x2298; unsigned char buff = *((unsigned char*)0x20FC); if (buff == 0) { buff = 2; } else { buff--; } return fb[buff];}
I have decided to move forward with a Canon and CHDK. I am just wondering if anyone has had any success acquiring lightning with a G12 and a motion detection script.
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