We are considering offering bounties for porting CHDK to new cameras. The idea is to have new releases faster and to offer developers some money for their time and dedication. What we have in mind is this:* posting a bounty for a specific camera model. An escrow service could be used to ensure that the money is available.* anybody who would like to work on that port could apply to get a camera for free. To avoid freeloaders, we'd select people who already have some experience with CHDK, but anybody would be eligible for the bounty. We'd like feedback from you about this: * Do you think it would be a good idea? Would it be helpful? * What is a good amount of money for the bounty in your opinion?* What conditions can be set on the bounty (can we have a few subtasks paying small amounts, or only a big bounty when the camera runs CHDK)? * How to choose people that would get a free camera? Should these people have certain obligations? Which ones?* What is a good time frame for the bounty? We'd like to set a deadline to encourage faster development, but it has to be something reasonable.Disclaimer: bounties would be paid by a company. There will be no copyright claiming by the company, no requests for other licenses instead of GPL, or anything else, but the company may end up using CHDK in a product.
i think you can safely choose between the already ported cameras.
Most of those 'giants' are no longer around and were assisted by countless other individuals.
My opinion on this is that you should view this from a different perspective: you see a port for a specific camera has been made by user X and you (can) show your appreciation with a donation or something.
Payment imposes obligations of support.
However, the flip side of the offer of a bounty is that so far, almost nobody has done their first original port of a new camera without significant help from the members of this forum. Will the same help be freely offered once people are competing for a bounty and thus paid for their effort ? Or will the some of the eight to ten people (my rough estimate) who currently really understand the porting process (and have ported more than one camera) just walk away ?
If you want to actually hire someone, just, well, hire him/her (?)
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