Whether it's useful or not, it was good practice
I think I wrote good, modular code, with proper use of variable testing, subroutines, for/next and do/until loops, and a clean exit.
Whether it's useful or not, it was good practice, and I think I wrote good, modular code, with proper use of variable testing, subroutines, for/next and do/until loops, and a clean exit.
its clear you understand that over the life-cycle of any software project, taking the time to structure things well, use a clean coding style, and provide documentation actually saves you time.
Thanks! I've tinkered with C and C++, so Lua shouldn't be to hard to learn, but first I need a reason to program something, and time to do it.I read in a bicycle maintenance book decades ago that there are two kinds of bike owners: those who ride their bikes, and those who fix them. I was one of those guys who'd spend hours on the front lawn, tweaking spokes until the wheels were truer than on any bike in the showroom.CHDK threatens to do the same thing to me. I need to get out and ride and take pictures!I did shoot a decent pano of an iris field yesterday, using my homemade cable release. I love this stuff.
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