One of the things tsvstar's new menu system tried to do was eliminate the 'Value Factor' component of some of the override/bracketing items.
For example setting the ISO override required setting a value and a multiplier (Value Factor) to get the final ISO override value.
The 'Value Factor' is also used to enable/disable the specific override.
I assume this was coded before the 'increment factor' stuff was added to the menu system (where you can alter the amount that integer values get changed by when you press the left/right buttons). Before 'increment factor' was implemented setting a large integer value would involve many button presses - hence the 'Value Factor' multiplier would be used to make it easier to enter.
Getting rid of the 'Value Factor' stuff is a good idea; but I still think the tsvstar implementation is not ideal (using -1 as the 'off' value and the whole popup dialog bit).
So I've implemented an alternative for review/comments in my philmoz-uitest branch.
This works by combining the on/off state of the override and the current value onto one menu line.
The override value is set using the left/right buttons as before; but now the on/off state of the override is controlled with the 'Set' button (as a toggle).
Also if the value is changed when the override is off the override is turned on at the same time.
A screen shot is attached.
My branch currently implements this for the ISO, Fast Ev Switch, and Flash Power overrides, and the SD and ISO bracketing values.
Internally this uses the same config variables as before; but does change the meaning so the config file saved with this version will not work correctly in 1.1. For example you can set and ISO override of 2000 in this version which is out of range for 1.1 (where you would set 20x100 instead).
I can see two solutions to this:
- change the config file name
- add code to 1.1 to do range checking on the config variables and set them to sane values if needed
I think the second option would be better.