Latest version (2245) in philmoz-uitest has two significant changes.
1. Added a new UI for the Tv (shutter speed) override for review.
Hi Waterwingz and Philmoz.
I was hoping you could clarify a CHDK question I have been researching.
I was asked a question about CHDK exposure control by an aerial photography user with a SX260HS camera. The user indicated the "classic" CHDK Value Factor based shutter speed override controls weren't visible in the unstable CHDK 1.2.0 builds. Supposedly there is a new option called "Short Exp. Value" that I know very little about.
I am interested in writing a blog/Wiki post explaining how the new system works and I was hoping you could clarify a few facts for accuracy. I searched online for any comments about the new CHDK camera controls and compared the english.lng file from the CHDK 1.10 and 1.2.0 builds.
In the SX260HS CHDK stable 1.1 firmware there are controls for:
I noticed the new the SX260HS CHDK unstable 1.2.0 build user has the options for:
- 240 " Ev Step Value"
- 241 " Long Exp. Value"
- 244 " Short Exp. Value"
From what I have gleaned online it looks like the "Short Exposure" mode is the best one for capturing images with a high shutter speed. The "Short Exposure" mode provides timing precision between a 0 to 9 second exposure duration.
According to the Canon SX260 HS user guide
[url=][/url] on page 36 the available TV mode "high speed" shutter values are: 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/400, 1/500, 1/640, 1/800, 1/1000, 1/1250, 1/1600, 1/2000, 1/2500, 1/3200
If a model airplane wanted to capture a fast image with a 1/1250th of a second shutter speed the time in seconds would equal 0.0008 seconds.
I don't know the exact step values the CHDK user interface allows so I was wondering if you could let me know the step values for the short and long exposure "
Override Tv type ->" field.