CHDK UI version 2.0 ? - page 5 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

CHDK UI version 2.0 ?

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Offline philmoz

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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #40 on: 02 / June / 2012, 03:40:41 »
On entering ALT mode show: [menu | scripts menu | user menu | shortcuts | nothing]

I like that idea, thanks.

I've also implemented a version that doesn't display the 'shortcut' help screen unless there's 2 seconds of inactivity (no button presses) in <ALT> mode. This delay could also be configurable.

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Offline ahull

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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #41 on: 02 / June / 2012, 06:25:10 »
"In future it would be good to store the menu in a kind of config file, maybe even in xml."
XML is a bit "heavy" for this and therefore complex to parse, JSON, or even something as simple as .csv might be a better option.


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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #42 on: 02 / June / 2012, 11:02:10 »
Back to the basics. What is the ALT mode? That's the alternative mode for CHDK configuration und scripts, not more or less.

Shortcut information & configuration are good ideas, information over outslider's ALT mode show configuration suggestion, configuration as a new CHDK submenu. It should not be more complicated as is now it.

For scripts we need a 'clean' screen.


Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #43 on: 02 / June / 2012, 11:39:03 »
Here's what I was thinking an enhanced "User Menu" might look like :

Obviously,  everything on this screen is user selected.

I think that finding a way to associate the existing script parameter load/save with individual scripts could make this quite powerful.  Especially if there was an improved script parameter editing menu.

It might even be worth adding a Lua & uBASIC command to load / store its variables from a parameter set rather than just do it from the scripts menu ?
« Last Edit: 02 / June / 2012, 11:44:56 by waterwingz »
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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #44 on: 02 / June / 2012, 14:16:36 »
This user menu looks very nice and usefull.

I think that finding a way to associate the existing script parameter load/save with individual scripts could make this quite powerful.  Especially if there was an improved script parameter editing menu.

I don't get it. Script params are loaded with the script... Maybe I'm missing something;)

It might even be worth adding a Lua & uBASIC command to load / store its variables from a parameter set rather than just do it from the scripts menu ?

However there must be a way to set parameters from menu. You need to set them before you run the script.

I think that the following idea would be worth to consider:

when script menu is entered (in any way) then appears something like this:

Code: [Select]
intervalometer.bas          [ ]
hdr.lua                     [ ]
md.lua                      [ ]
my_funny_script.bas         [*]
yet_another_one.lua         [ ]

User can select, which is the script, that will be loaded. He can also press the LEFT button to enter the following submenu:

Code: [Select]
script settings
param1            [100]
param2            [  0]
param1            [320]
param1            [100]
param4            [false]
parameters set    [3]
delay (ms)        [3000]
autostart         [false]

This way selecting the script could be easier IHMO. I don't say it's a big improvement. Scripts that appear in this menu could be simple taken from /CHDK/SCRIPTS directory. Maybe it would be worth to put the currently selected script on the top of the list to easier access to its params.
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #45 on: 02 / June / 2012, 15:49:57 »
I don't get it. Script params are loaded with the script... Maybe I'm missing something;)
If you look on the Script menu - there is a menu item called Parameters set.  I think this is supposed to allow you to save & restore different sets of parameter by index number.  I've never been able to figure out how its supposed to work though.
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Offline dvip

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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #46 on: 02 / June / 2012, 15:52:04 »
@waterwingz, that "User Menu" looks great... easy to find things. Love all the favorite scripts there too.

"Save Raw" can be turn on/off with a keyboard shortcut. So maybe it could be better to have there "Override Aperture Value"? or something else that's useful and hard to get to?

Anyhow, it looks nice and to the point  :D

Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #47 on: 02 / June / 2012, 16:06:51 »
@waterwingz, that "User Menu" looks great... easy to find things. Love all the favorite scripts there too.
"Save Raw" can be turn on/off with a keyboard shortcut. So maybe it could be better to have there "Override Aperture Value"? or something else that's useful and hard to get to?
Take a look at the existing documentation - you can already do everything you see there except for the scripts part.

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Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #48 on: 02 / June / 2012, 16:30:06 »
XML is a bit "heavy" for this and therefore complex to parse, JSON, or even something as simple as .csv might be a better option.
Back to the basics. What is the ALT mode? That's the alternative mode for CHDK configuration und scripts, not more or less.
Hmm. I think it's a little more, because it's a way to provide keyboard commands that aren't available in regular canon firmware.
Shortcut information & configuration are good ideas, information over outslider's ALT mode show configuration suggestion, configuration as a new CHDK submenu. It should not be more complicated as is now it.

For scripts we need a 'clean' screen.


It's worth noting the many users seem to find the "shoot in alt mode runs a script" behavior confusing. Thinking out loud, if "using a script" were somehow separate from the default alt screen, that could allow a clean screen in "script" mode while displaying more info in alt. However, quick access to script is desirable, so I'm not sure how you would do that.
I don't get it. Script params are loaded with the script... Maybe I'm missing something;)
If you look on the Script menu - there is a menu item called Parameters set.  I think this is supposed to allow you to save & restore different sets of parameter by index number.  I've never been able to figure out how its supposed to work though.
It's pretty simple. If you have "save params" checked, then the values you entered in the menu are remembered and used instead of the defaults set in the script. If you change the "param set" then you get a different set of remembered values. Just flipping through the "param set" values should show you your different stored values. If it doesn't work this way on your cameras, it's broken.
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Re: CHDK UI version 2.0 ?
« Reply #49 on: 02 / June / 2012, 17:16:51 »
It's pretty simple. If you have "save params" checked, then the values you entered in the menu are remembered and used instead of the defaults set in the script. If you change the "param set" then you get a different set of remembered values. Just flipping through the "param set" values should show you your different stored values. If it doesn't work this way on your cameras, it's broken.
That works as you describe.   What happens when you load a different script ?  Does it store all 10 sets of parameter settings for each script ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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