Taking pictures of lightning bugs aka fireflies. - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

Taking pictures of lightning bugs aka fireflies.

  • 1 Replies
Taking pictures of lightning bugs aka fireflies.
« on: 23 / June / 2012, 23:31:27 »
I thought there had been a previous thread on this topic but I searched and couldn't find it.  The word "lightning"comes up quite a bit though and so does bugs, just not "lightning bugs." :)

Anybody else taking pictures of them?  I tried tonight but got out too late and no many were out nor close, but still I had some pretty good results with my S95.  I was using ISO2500, F2.0, 5 second exposure, infinity focus and an intervalometer.  I caught a few far off and a couple neat trails.

My thought was to just run it on an intervalometer and maybe combine the pics if necessary to get a neat effect. I think a lower ISO and a longer exposure might make for a little better picture, not sure though.

Looks like they like the taller grass, so maybe set up there and leave it for a while, also helps to have a really dark backdrop from what I saw.  Any tips on attracting them other than catching a bunch and letting them go?:)


Offline SkyWalker9

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Re: Taking pictures of lightning bugs aka fireflies.
« Reply #1 on: 25 / June / 2012, 00:56:02 »
You may have better luck finding tips on how to shoot these 'critters' if you use "fireflies" when Googling. I know that Terry Priest (http://www.frfly.com/) has shot some amazing photos (How to take Pictures of Fireflies in Flight: http://www.frfly.com/tutorial/firefly-photography.htm).

Tsuneaki Hiramatsu is another expert (http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2012/02/japanese-firefly-photos-and-the-anatomy-of-a-viral-spread/). Here is a Flickr link that should be of interest: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fireflywatch/discuss/72157627044467064/


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