I don't want RAW files - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

I don't want RAW files

  • 10 Replies
I don't want RAW files
« on: 22 / June / 2012, 08:51:21 »
Hi everyone!!
I've been trying to do a timelapse, but my 4gb sdcard is fulled out in a short period of time due to the ".CRW" files stored in the 100CANON directory.

I already went to "RAW parameters" and disabled the "save RAW" option, but .CRW files are still being generated, and being almost 20 mbs each, my sdcard can't last too long.

So, how do I completely disable RAW generation? Thanks!

PS: If it helps, the camera is a SX220 HS
« Last Edit: 22 / June / 2012, 09:04:43 by alejoar »

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #1 on: 22 / June / 2012, 08:57:58 »
If you go back to the RAW menu, is it enabled again ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #2 on: 22 / June / 2012, 09:03:30 »
No, it's still disabled. Even if I turn the camera off and then on again it stays disabled.

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #3 on: 22 / June / 2012, 11:14:56 »
Could you remove CHDK config file (CCHDK.CFG or something similar in /CHDK directory on SD card). If you want you can backup it first.

Then you can try to disable RAW saving and check, what's going on. Nevertheless, the way your camera behaves is strange...
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick


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Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #4 on: 23 / June / 2012, 08:29:31 »
alejoar - any chance that you accidentally hit the CHDK RAW shortcut ?

On the SX130 this may be the [+/-] button...
* http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/CHDK_User_Manual#Key_Shortcuts

If so, you'll see the RAW (or DNG, if enabled) indicator on the screen...

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #5 on: 23 / June / 2012, 10:08:32 »
alejoar - any chance that you accidentally hit the CHDK RAW shortcut ?
On my G10, when you hit the CHDK RAW shortcut,  it enables RAW such that RAW will show up as selected in the RAW menu.   He said that menu item is not selected so it does not seem likely the shortcut key would be the problem ?

If so, you'll see the RAW (or DNG, if enabled) indicator on the screen...
.. but only in shooting mode and only if you have enabled that indicator in the  OSD Parameters -> RAW -> Show Raw State menu item.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #6 on: 24 / June / 2012, 10:22:21 »
Hey, thank you all for the help, you are awesome people!

Ok, last night I did what outslider said: I deleted the cfg file and the raw files were not generated the first time I ran the script (timelapse).

But here's the weird thing: the second time I ran the script the raw files were generated again. It's like the script somewhere enables RAW generation and from the second time I run it and on it stays enabled (even though the menu indicates it is disabled).

I've been searching for the exact script I'm using in my camera so you guys can take a look, but I can't find it now (I'm at work and my camera is at home). All I remember is it was a LUA script mented for energy saving. Also, I modified it to turn off the backlight of my camera after every shot as it didn't do that formerly.

I gave the script a quick look but couldn't find anything shady. I'm not that good scripting anyways.. I'll post it tonight. Thanks!

PS: I know my writing is messy, sorry, not native speaker here.

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #7 on: 24 / June / 2012, 10:26:00 »
I know my writing is messy, sorry, not native speaker here.

You cannot tell, your English is perfect ....  honestly  :)


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Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #8 on: 24 / June / 2012, 16:48:48 »
I've been searching for the exact script I'm using in my camera so you guys can take a look, but I can't find it now (I'm at work and my camera is at home). All I remember is it was a LUA script mented for energy saving. Also, I modified it to turn off the backlight of my camera after every shot as it didn't do that formerly.
It's possible for a script to enable raw, you should look for the set_raw command. This should show up in the menu though, and it's hard to see how it would start saving the second time around...
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: I don't want RAW files
« Reply #9 on: 24 / June / 2012, 18:11:56 »
Hey, here's the script. I only added the sleep and set_backlight after shoot at the end, everything else is untouched. There's no set_raw.. I don't know what else could be causing this. If nobody finds anything I'll guess I'll stick to deleting the cfg file everytime :P

Code: [Select]
Author: Fraser McCrossan
Modification for SX100 IS: Anar Ibragimoff

An accurate intervalometer script, with pre-focus and screen power off options.

 - input is frame interval plus total desired run-time (or "endless")
 - displays frame count, frame total and remaining time after each frame
   (in endless mode, displays frame count and elapsed time)
 - honours the "Print" button during frame delays (so you can
   get it running then turn off the display to save power)
 - can turn off the display a given number of frames after starting
   (might take a couple of frames longer to cycle to correct mode)
 - can pre-focus before starting then go to manual focus mode
 - use SET button to exit

Additional notes:
 -  To use "display off" feature, you need to configure your camera
    to turn display off on "Print" button (in standard camera's menu)
 -  For additional power save I'd recommend to turn off preview after shoots (in standard camera's menu)

 See bottom of script for main loop.

@title Time-lapse
@param s Secs/frame
@default s 5
@param h Sequence hours
@default h 0
@param m Sequence minutes
@default m 5
@param e Endless? 0=No 1=Yes
@default e 0
@param f Focus: 0=Every 1=Start
@default f 0
@param d Display off frame 0=never
@default d 0

-- convert parameters into readable variable names
secs_frame, hours, minutes, endless, focus_at_start, display_off_frame = s, h, m, (e > 0), (f > 0), d

props = require "propcase"

-- derive actual running parameters from the more human-friendly input
-- parameters
function calculate_parameters (seconds_per_frame, hours, minutes, start_ticks)
   local ticks_per_frame = 1000 * secs_frame -- ticks per frame
   local total_frames = (hours * 3600 + minutes * 60) / secs_frame -- total frames
   local end_ticks = start_ticks + total_frames * ticks_per_frame -- ticks at end of sequence
   return ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks

function print_status (frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks, endless)
   local free = get_jpg_count()
   if endless then
      local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(frame * ticks_per_frame)
      print("#" .. frame .. ", " .. h .. "h " .. m .. "m " .. s .. "s")
      local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(end_ticks - get_tick_count())
      print(frame .. "/" .. total_frames .. ", " .. h .. "h" .. m .. "m" .. s .. "s/" .. free .. " left")

function ticks_to_hms (ticks)
   local secs = (ticks + 500) / 1000 -- round to nearest seconds
   local s = secs % 60
   secs = secs / 60
   local m = secs % 60
   local h = secs / 60
   return h, m, s

-- sleep, but using wait_click(); return true if a key was pressed, else false
function next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame)
   -- this calculates the number of ticks between now and the time of
   -- the next frame
   local sleep_time = (start_ticks + frame * ticks_per_frame) - get_tick_count()
   if sleep_time < 1 then
      sleep_time = 1
   return not is_key("no_key")

-- delay for the appropriate amount of time, but respond to
-- the display key (allows turning off display to save power)
-- return true if we should exit, else false
function frame_delay (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame)
   -- this returns true while a key has been pressed, and false if
   -- none
   while next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) do
      -- honour the display button
      if is_key("print") then
      -- if set key is pressed, indicate that we should stop
      if is_key("set") then
return true
   return false

-- click "print" to turn on/off display
function seek_display_mode()
   click "print"

-- switch to autofocus mode, pre-focus, then go to manual focus mode
function pre_focus()
   local focused = false
   local try = 1
   while not focused and try <= 5 do
      print("Pre-focus attempt " .. try)
      if get_prop(18) > 0 then
focused = true
      try = try + 1
   return focused

if focus_at_start then
   if not pre_focus() then
      print "Unable to reach pre-focus"

start_ticks = get_tick_count()

ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks = calculate_parameters(secs_frame, hours, minutes, start_ticks)

frame = 1

print "Press SET to exit"

while endless or frame <= total_frames do
   print_status(frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks, endless)
   if display_off_frame > 0 and frame >= display_off_frame then
   if frame_delay(frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) then
      print "User quit"
   frame = frame + 1

-- restore display mode
if display_off_frame > 0 then

-- restore focus mode


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