I'm not sure if you know this already, but dumping the firmware is only step 1
The hardest part is the porting, especially in case of DryOS camera's.
The specific addresses for hundreds of functions in the firmware need to
be found by comparing the machine code with those of already ported
similar camera's. A lot of trial and error experiments will be necessary.
This means that it is almost impossible if one does not have the specific
Take a look here:
DryOS Developmentto see what is involved, and you will see that porting DryOS cams can take
quite a bit of time. I guess it all depends on the amount of people that own
the camera, and on how many of them have the necessary skills and time
to get the job done. And of course, on the camera - the more functions it has
that are unique (as in: not found in any other cam) the more complications.
More interesting reading (Wiki DryOS Porting)
DryOS Porting - CHDK WikiAlso, keep in mind that I myself have never ported a cam, also don't have a DryOS cam,
so most of this post is stuff I learned/heard about on the forum in the last 3 months.
That said I still hope it's of some use to you...
good luck,