Kite aerial photography - page 2 - Creative Uses of CHDK - CHDK Forum

Kite aerial photography

  • 15 Replies
Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #10 on: 25 / October / 2010, 15:16:16 »
I need a camera with intervalometer light enough to be put in the air by a helium balloon. Was thinking of a SX200IS because of the 28mm lens and lightweight feature. Not sure if anyone here has tried the CHDK for the intervalometer with such camera, how difficult would that be to set it up? Any other camera model recommended? (pls keep in mind I need at 28 mm at minimum)

Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #11 on: 29 / October / 2010, 02:40:28 »
I have the SX200IS with firmware version 1.00d and it works with the intervalometer script.  It was easy to set up for a newbie like me.  I am hoping to launch this camera after I build a rig for it.  The camera mount on the SX200IS in not centered on the bottom of the camera which makes using it with very small tripods a little difficult.

Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #12 on: 30 / October / 2010, 19:00:15 »
Me again.

Well, the postman brought my kite, I've built my rig and I wrote the reverse motion detection script which seems to work on my IXY 10.

Off to the heath tomorrow to photograph horses from above (weather permitting).

If I get any decent photos I'll share them and paste up the script!

Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #13 on: 31 / October / 2010, 20:23:05 »
Damn - no wind! Will have to try another day.

Well, here's my gear:

... and here is my reverse MD script:

Code: [Select]
rem pygmy_giant's adaption of MLuna's Motion Detection script itself based on MX3 sample script

@title KAP Reverse MD

rem This script combines an intevalometer with an inverted motion detection script enabling an unsteady camera to periodically take shots when still.

rem Shot without auto-focus/with auto-focus/continuously (need to put in continuous mode manually)
rem t implies test mode with MD cells drawing and no shots taken
@param a Shot (0=nf/1=f/2=c/3=t)
@default a 1

rem How long the shutter button will be pressed in continuous mode
@param b Continuos shoot (secs)
@default b 10

@param c Threshold (0-255)
@default c 5

@param d Compare Interval (msecs)
@default d 20

@param e Compare Interval (secs)
@default e 0

rem If this value is too small, the camera goes continuously shooting after the 1st shot.
rem Experiment with this value to find one fitted to your needs
@param f Delay Before Sensing (secs)
@default f 5

@param g Pix step(speed/accuracy adj)
@default g 5

@param h Columns
@default h 6

@param i Rows
@default i 6

rem Frame width in which no MD is performed (in cell units)
@param j Dead frame
@default j 0

@param k Delay After Shot (secs)
@default k 0

@param l Delay Before Start (secs)
@default l 0
if l>0 then print "waiting..."

if a<0 then let a=0
if a>3 then let a=3
if c<0 then let c=0
if d<0 then let d=0
if e<0 then let e=0
if g<1 then let g=1
if h<1 then let h=1
if i<1 then let i=1
if j<0 then let j=0

rem Conversions secs to msecs
let b=b*1000
let e=e*1000
let f=f*1000
let k=k*1000
let l=l*1000

let d=d+e

rem This is the timeout in msecs. After this period, the motion trap is rearmed.
let T=f+d+100

rem Parameters for the Dead Frame
let J=j+1
let H=h-j
let I=i-j

sleep l

print "press Shutter to Stop"


let t=0

md_detect_motion h, i, 1, T, d, c, 1, t, 1, J, J, H, I, 0, g, f

if a=0 and t=0 then click "shoot_full"
if a=1 and t=0 then shoot
if a=2 and t=0 then goto "continuos"
if a=3 then print "Detected cells: ",t
if a=3 and t>0 then sleep k
if t=0 then sleep k

goto "repete"

let X=get_tick_count
press "shoot_full"

let U=get_tick_count
let V=(U-X)
if V<b then goto "contloop"

release "shoot_full"
goto "repete"


As you can see, my 'rig' is very primitive without any picavet arrangement, so any sharp images that I might get would be good proof of the script's effectiveness.

If I never post again it is because everything went horribly wrong and I wrecked all my gear or I got bad results and went off in a huff.

Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #14 on: 03 / July / 2012, 17:51:18 »
Finally got the new Picavet suspension up in the air. It allows much clearer images.


Offline RocKiteman

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Re: Kite aerial photography
« Reply #15 on: 13 / July / 2012, 06:54:33 »
I use one of these, & it helps 'steady' my Picavet rig...

I have not used these personally, but I understand they work well...
« Last Edit: 13 / July / 2012, 07:04:42 by RocKiteman »
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