play_sound(7) won't turn off! - page 2 - LUA Scripting - CHDK Forum

play_sound(7) won't turn off!

  • 10 Replies
Re: play_sound(7) won't turn off!
« Reply #10 on: 24 / June / 2012, 18:55:59 »
I did some research, and there is no way to turn the AF beep off conventionally on the SD1100 (from the menus).  I tried get_prop/set_prop to change the audio channel, but that didn't do anything.

Audio channels (0=1ch, 1=2ch). Right channel mute if 2ch selected.

get_prop returned 0 even when I toggled the mute from the menus, and other than that I couldn't find any other mention of a way to mute the camera from a script.  I guess I will resign myself to not having any beeps in my script, as they weren't entirely necessary in the first place.  Thanks for your help reyalp!

As for my mission :), the Ixus 80/SD1100 doesn't let me play any sounds in mute except for sound #7.  In mute, sound #7 could not be turned off (on my camera).  When unmuted, sound #7 works as it should, and I expect the other 7 sounds do as well.
« Last Edit: 24 / June / 2012, 19:00:16 by mrShrimp »


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