help build the usb cable for Canon S95 with rc system shutter command? - page 2 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

help build the usb cable for Canon S95 with rc system shutter command?

  • 16 Replies
Hi dear ok i have use servo circuit and now i have shott :) from usb but i have one problem , when the rc switch is in OFF position The camera focuses continuously! maybe because the minimum current that flows even if the switch is off is regarded as a light press of the shutter of the OFF =0.44v(I can not reduce further)  in ON=4.16v .
How can I fix it? I have to change that parameter in CHDK so that the focus is removed with the little touch of the shutt button?
The USB remote circuit does not work as you have described.  There is no "off",  "light touch"  (like half press) and "hard touch"  (like full press).     The camera only sees two states on the USB port -  off or on.   

A voltage of 0.44v wil certainly be seen as "off".  In fact, anything less than about 2V will be seen as "off".   To be "on", the voltage usually has to be above 3V - with at least 4 volts needed on most cameras.

To help with your problem,  please describe the setting of each menu item in the USB Remote Parameters menu in CHDK.

thank you for fantastic support  my set about usb

Do you also have a diagram or photo of your writing?
And if you are using a script would you post that here too ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Do you also have a diagram or photo of your writing?
And if you are using a script would you post that here too ?
My friend i  don t know i use default value in chdk :(
Today i have tried one rc switch and work but the voltage to usb  is low ,like 4v, and so I had to insert the manual focus  otherwise when the switch ON to make the photo could only to focus but not not possible with chdk make the photo and focus together? I wish the camera to focus when I was at the end button at the bottom and right after shooting...
thank you for support guys :)

Do you also have a diagram or photo of your writing?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Do you also have a diagram or photo of your writing?
sorry but I do not understand what you ask me ? What do you mean by "your writing"?
sorry  :blink:

sorry but I do not understand what you ask me ? What do you mean by "your writing"?
sorry  :blink:

Ouch - typo error - sorry.

I meant :  Do you also have a diagram or photo of your electrical wiring ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16 not possible with chdk make the photo and focus together? I wish the camera to focus when I was at the end button at the bottom and right after shooting...
Okay - I think I see your problem now.   Try changing your setup to this :

The second menu item needs to be set.

This will give you the second wave form shown here :

So when you turn on the transmitter channel,  the camera will focus.   When you turn off the transmitter channel the camera will take one picture.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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