I've set up a script on one server, which checks every 15 minutes for the new revision in svn repository and builds it if it's found. The build takes 5 minutes. Then puts zip-files to
http://grandag.nm.ru/hdk/autobuild/download.htm. So in the worst case the new build will be available in 20 minutes (in 5 minutes if the check-in was just before the check).
Very experimental feature...
edit by phyrephox:
HERE you can find an autobuild server that not only hosts the autobuilds grand hosts, but the EXTENDED zips as well (including readmes and files etc). Provided by Hacki. Don't ask about the domain name, it's weird german.
So if you need the extended zips - go there. If you got problems connecting to russian domains - go to Hackis place.
Dont just always download the "big" zips though, as the extra files arent updates as often as the binaries - so better check the versions first.