access to virtual keyboard - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

access to virtual keyboard

  • 13 Replies
access to virtual keyboard
« on: 05 / July / 2012, 17:52:37 »
Not really a newbie, just don't know proper terms.  I see that a virtual keyboard is in the trunk of some autobuilds, if I have used the correct terms.  I know there are two versions of each upgrade for our Canons.  I have an A540, and have been using the autobuild versions.  Upgrade is the wrong word, but my most recent chdk download is May 31/2012, from the autobuild page.

Do I have the version that contains a virtual keyboard?  I saw recently a comment by one of the developers where he said When we make it available..wait a minute it's already in the autobuild.- my paraphrase, can't refind the posting.

Forgive the ramble, I'm not sure of my terms.

this matters to those of us who have Classic Eye-fi cards; if I can change a video file label suffix to jpg, I can upload it via the first generation Eye-fi cards.


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Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #1 on: 06 / July / 2012, 01:37:18 »

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #2 on: 06 / July / 2012, 02:00:13 »
Ok, so:

* Currently there are two 'official' CHDK development lines:
- first is called 'stable' or '1.0' - the aim of this line is to have version as stable as possible - no experimental festures, no modules
- second, called 'unstable' or 'trunk' or so on is aimed to test most of experimental features - especially modules, gui reasemble (actually there's also special branch for that) and so on.

* Both development lines have autobuild and can be downloaded as zipped binaries.
- stable:
- unstable:

As far as I know only unstable line has the textbox activated, since it is a module. You can everytime check it by calling the textbox from Lua script:

Code: [Select]
textbox( "Hello, world!" , "Here we are!" , "" , 10)
(ref: )

or more simple by checking whether you have 'rename' or 'new folder' option in CHDK filebrowser (both require textbox).
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #3 on: 06 / July / 2012, 14:42:46 »
Many thanks. I installed the trunk 1950 version.  There is in the file browser if you select left on a file name a box that allows you to either create a directory or rename.  When I go to rename there is visible the original name of the file and 4 groupings of 6 letters of the alphabet below the current file name.   Using our 4 direction keys, we can cursor among the alphabet letters.  In experimenting I keep getting a red lettesred message that I have exceeded the allowed text space.

I simply want to replace avi in a video file name with jpg so that I can transfer it via eye-fi with the original Classic cards.

Is there a guide that sets out the typing rules?

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #4 on: 06 / July / 2012, 17:31:34 »
Some description is in this post:

You might be interested also in further posts in that thread. That's where the keyboard was born.

There's probably no guide on how to use virtual keyboard. In general you press arrows to add letters, use zoom in/out for space/delete, set for change of letter and shoot half for change modes.

Try to use some keys. Once you'll understand the way it works you should find it usefull ;)

PS. Since you need to change extension you need to start editing by deleting of the .avi text - use zoom_out.
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #5 on: 06 / July / 2012, 20:30:11 »
There are 2 Rename boxes.  The first one says enter new name of file and has a window with the original file name. Below are 4 small windows contianing the 26 letters of the alphabet. If I push the 4 directional buttons on the A540 wheel, I can move among the 26 letters which also then appear in the window with the originall file name.

Pushing the display button can cycle from the alphabet to numerals ancd characters.

Pushing Menu takes you to a new screen whcih just says the original file name.  Below the window is ">navigate cursor<".  Push the menu again and I can choose to have the new name replace the old one.

The zoom acts if I am in view mode but is frozen if I am in record mode. It does not seem to do an erase of characters.

I understand that I must get into the window that has the original name as a start but I can't seem to get there.

Is there an obvious misunderstanding in the above ?   (I hope).

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #6 on: 07 / July / 2012, 03:11:05 »
huh... The 26 alphabet letters only show what is the currently selected letter. The text appears in the field with the old name.
if (2*b || !2*b) {

Compile error: poor Yorick

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #7 on: 07 / July / 2012, 04:54:11 »
In the actual trunk the text box has an error, so that it looks like 4 windows with characters and one window for the entered text. I hope I can post a patch today to fix that.
In this thread is a description of how to use the textbox (actually without screenshots, but I will post some).

Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #8 on: 07 / July / 2012, 10:10:26 »
The Classic original Eye-fi card (2 gig Share) would send jpegs but not raw or avi.  CHDK raw parameters allows a suffix of jpg. this allows Eye-fi to pass on raw images.  I have in my computer renamed avi files to jpg.  They also will when the eye-fi card is returned to the camera be transferred by wi-fi.

So this renaming ability will help all owners of first generation Eye-fi cards.  We can't use high speed 2X eye-fi cards in our older Powershot cameras.

I get accidentally  most of the rename feature to work, but not reliably.

Could someone here break down the renaming task of changing the file suffix to jpg in small steps.  The renaming feature is reached in the file browser by using the left button on the Canon ring and in the resulting two choice box choosing Rename instead of create new directory.

Should I be in review or record mode?

In a box is the name of the avi file I selected.  In insultingly small steps :), what do I do next to get rid of avi and insert jpg and save it?

I realize the helpers here are not very highly paid !


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Re: access to virtual keyboard
« Reply #9 on: 07 / July / 2012, 10:56:10 »
Just an idea. Maybe a script is more suited to do this kind of job. Something like: create a list of all movie files on the card -> change their extensions to jpg. Some code to start with (there may be better ones, I found this quickly):


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