"strobe" flash script? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

"strobe" flash script?

  • 9 Replies

Offline zero01101

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"strobe" flash script?
« on: 04 / December / 2007, 12:01:59 »
this might be really stupid, and possibly entirely infeasible, but is there any way of firing the flash via ubasic scripting?
say, set the shutter speed to 65" and have the flash fire once every .5 seconds, for something like stroboscopic photography?


Offline emu

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Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #1 on: 06 / December / 2007, 10:09:10 »
this might be really stupid, and possibly entirely infeasible, but is there any way of firing the flash via ubasic scripting?
say, set the shutter speed to 65" and have the flash fire once every .5 seconds, for something like stroboscopic photography?

nice idea - maybe we can trash our cams with scripts like that  :D (finally)

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #2 on: 28 / December / 2007, 16:41:33 »
You would be much better served by using an external strobe in conjunction with the long shutter, because flash output from bursts spaced one-half second apart would be pitifully weak.

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #3 on: 07 / April / 2009, 07:54:21 »
I'm sorry to bring out this old topic, but I'd like to know if it's finally feasible (on a DryOS based camera), it'd be a nice feature.

Is it possible by using a script, by adding function to hack or simply unfeasible ??



Offline Pauls9

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Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #4 on: 07 / April / 2009, 10:23:19 »
The main problem here is the minimum recycle time of the flash, which is set by camera hardware.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #5 on: 07 / April / 2009, 11:06:13 »
ewavr already did it, a strobe, there is a video of it here somewhere. it is feasible, this is o my todo list. but i dont know when or how i am gonna do it. plus it involves asm magic.

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #6 on: 07 / April / 2009, 16:30:46 »
If you use continuos flash shooting, it will be highly probable that flash lamp will overheat and also you can damge the camera.
So try carefully this... 8)

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #7 on: 08 / April / 2009, 14:43:21 »
Yes, I found this post :
But the video was deleted from the FTP.

So, it's possible, with about 2 flashes per second. Nice.

It would be dangerous for the camera, of course... So maybe, the best is not to try.

But, if the "flash-disco" is included in a release, I'd try !!!

Thanks all!

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #8 on: 31 / May / 2010, 20:32:05 »
Is it finally possible to have several flashes in one picture?
I used to do continuous mode with flash...and I know that the camera can flash every 2 seconds for 50 pictures at least...
If we know the minimum recycle time of the flash...I think that's possible to take pictures with 2 or 3 flashes in a 2 seconds shot. (the minimum possible)
"In theory", it seems easy to write a script like that, but I know NOTHING with code...

thx to writers and all people who make chdk!!!

Re: "strobe" flash script?
« Reply #9 on: 29 / January / 2011, 16:34:42 »
How about a script that can make a laptop screen act as a strobe?
In a dark room this might be enough for some interesting shots.
You could even have different colors for each flash.


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