What are the chances CHDK can REDUCE the normal 24 fps video framerate of the SX1 IS or ELPH 310HS?
To something like 1 second per frame, or 10 seconds per frame?
The ELPH 310HS features high speed (240 fps) recording, but from the looks of it "low-speed video", otherwise known as time-lapse video, is not built-in to the Canons.
They record at >30 Mbps using H.264.
Does H.264 support arbitrary framerates? Apparently yes...
Is the DIGIC processor hard-coded to record at 24 (or 240) fps? No idea...
This would be a great feature, can it be done with CHDK?
P.S. In the meantime I am using intervalometer but that is limited to around 2400 photos (8 GB card). It would be so much better to have a single .MOV file with all the frames in there, and move the position (frame) slider to quickly locate scenes of interest. And take advantage of video compression.
I am filming a fairly static scene and want to capture an event.
Space wise, it means 1920x1080 * 24fps at 40 Mbps works out to 320 Kbytes/frame.