bSince the console output may be overwritten by the Canon OSD quickly, j...
Is there any more detailed instructions concerning how to use "Show RAW saving time"?
...Has anyone made a script that measures the RAW Processing Time?...
rem Author SkyWalker9@title SdSpeed TestJ=0R=0rem lock AutoFocus set_aflock(1)rem test for JPG set_raw 0 a=get_tick_count J=a for i=1 to 5 shoot next i a=get_tick_count J=(a-J)/5rem test for RAW set_raw 1 a=get_tick_count R=a for i=1 to 5 shoot next i a=get_tick_count R=(a-R)/5rem Display results in milliseconds print "avg time in ms" print "JPG: "J print "RAW: "Rrem unlock AutoFocusset_aflock(0)end
hama is not super brand name, but doing fine job !!
Should be noted that shoot() includes a lot more than the saving time, and some of that might vary depending on the scene. aflock should help keep it more constant, but there's still a lot going on.1/3 of a second worse for class 10 is odd. It's highly unlikely this is directly due to the card being class 10, suggesting there's some other significant variable that isn't being accounted for.Some ideasare the cards all freshly formatted ?are they fat16 or fat32, and what cluster size ?
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Started by Lebeau RAW Shooting and Processing