So I got around to getting some stats on dark frames.
I found they get slightly brighter and the standard deviation decreases as the temperature lowers.
Someone said that only 10 bits of values actually existed in the RAW's; however I'm getting every value so it seems to be 16bit.
For example for sx260is I get (and I've posted this elsewhere a few times)
range 78-180
mean 128
median 128
std dev 2.6
And some more test conditions,
the next 3 analysis were done on the upper 12 bits,
so aren't really accurate
iso100, sx240, 15seconds
sx240 hot
11 2
10 8
9 1659
8 6,709,979
7 5,671,809
6 3359
5 51
4 10
3 2
2 1
1 0
0 0
mean 7.5
median 8
std dev 0.5
iso100, sx240, 59seconds
sx240 hot
12 4
11 6
10 28
9 9437
8 8,250,325
7 4,067,562
6 51094
5 6265
4 1470
3 471
2 169
1 36
0 12
mean 7.7
median 8
std dev 0.5
iso100, sx240, 59seconds
sx240 cool
12 0
11 1
10 9
9 1406
8 7,225,878
7 5,158,293
6 1280
5 11
4 2
3 0
2 0
1 0
0 0
mean 7.6
median 8
std dev 0.5
I think the std dev lowers with lower temperature, also dark noise seems to add to readout noise and adds some values to the lower range. I'm wondering if it's just two noises superimposed.
I also see values every step on the lower 8 bits of sd890is raw's, but it's strange looking, as if it's 12bits with a few pixels on nearby values.