I would like to know how to compile from the Command Prompt
with what is already in the CHDK-shell folders.
Is there a BAT file?
Something like "compile-for-the-A590IS.bat"?
I do this all the time when I'm booted into Win7 instead of Linux. As far as I remember, I just have CHDK-Shell installed in a subdirectory to a CHDK directory that's located in my desktop. No other dev environment / build environment. I haven't actually used CHDK-Shell in over a year - just its build environment.
I use Tortoise svn to get the latest code into a sub-directory called trunk1svn under the above mention CHDK directory (there is no particular reason for the naming choice - but I also have one called stable - you can guess what goes in there).
Using a command shell (command prompt ? DOS windows ? whatever they call it now ...) that starts in my CHDK directory, I run a simple batch file called mk.bat that looks like this :
cd trunk1svn
gmake PLATFORM=%1 PLATFORMSUB=%2 firzipsubcomplete
cd ..
So I type (for example):
>mk g10 102a
to rebuild the latest code for my G10. Simple.
Note that my PATH has the following at the start
which I believe is how it finds gmake and the gcc tools. Not too sure how I set that up - like I said, its been a while - but I'm sure you can google how to setup a default path in the Command Prompt window ....
Update : you can do most of this using the command prompt icon on CHDK-Shell. It sets the path and environment up correctly for you each time you launch it. I'm pretty sure I just copied what it was doing into a generic command prompt shell so that I could work directly with svn downloads rather than CHDK-Shells download directory structure.