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Windows GUI for trunk building

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Offline pixeldoc2000

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Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #70 on: 05 / August / 2008, 14:09:44 »
Ok, here are some suggestions:

  • program option: don't delete downloaded source files
    would be nice to choose to keep downloaded source files. i like to keep an unmodded file of current version as backup. currently i always have download source manualy after update when i'm not fast enough to copy downloaded source when chdk-shell is extracting the files...  :(
  • change "status" label into a nice log would be usefull, like:
Code: [Select]
GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 48, 400, 200, BitOR($ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $ES_READONLY))
  • use windows desktop setting as window background color... kind of dislike this color :blink:

I've done a lot with AutoIt, there would be a some stuff i could contribute if you like:
  • menu do get lost of some buttons clean gui
  • log windows (look about)
  • import settings from old ini
  • safer gui handle (for example look at attached file)
  • chdk-shell self update check
  • multilanguage support
  • write a little wiki page about chdk-shell with current download link and mirror.

I've also attached source with some small changes...

Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #71 on: 05 / August / 2008, 17:51:14 »
Hi All,

I don't seem to be able to download this from zshare. Just keeps looping back to the initial screen.

No doubt it's a problem with zhare/my PC.  Any chance of an alternate download location?



Offline pixeldoc2000

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Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #72 on: 06 / August / 2008, 15:55:13 »
Hi All,

I don't seem to be able to download this from zshare. Just keeps looping back to the initial screen.

No doubt it's a problem with zhare/my PC.  Any chance of an alternate download location?

I've uploaded 1.52 for you here.
If you are still unable to download maybe turn off download manager or try other browser like ff?

Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #73 on: 06 / August / 2008, 16:32:49 »
I've uploaded 1.52 for you here.
If you are still unable to download maybe turn off download manager or try other browser like ff?

Thanks. That's brilliant, I've got it now.

(Googling around - a lot of other people are reporting problems with zshare starting a couple of days ago. I guess they'll fix it soon)

Now if only I knew what I was doing ::)  ...  This is going to be a steep learning curve


Arrg! >:(  Now of course I can't download gcc_env_for_hdk-3.4.6.rar because that's on zshare as well. Doh! Doh! Doh!


Sorry, just read the FAQ again and got it from here:

« Last Edit: 06 / August / 2008, 17:11:41 by Colin »


Offline pixeldoc2000

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Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #74 on: 06 / August / 2008, 17:18:17 »
Sorry, just read the FAQ again and got it from here:
ah, i've started to upload it already, but stop after read your update. So what file is next :P ? between this is OT, sorry!


Offline whim

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Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #75 on: 08 / August / 2008, 13:29:59 »

thanks and sorry for the late reply - real life (sigh!)

Now, about your suggestions:

  • program option: don't delete downloaded source files
    done in 1.54  ;)
  • change "status" label into a nice log:
    as I see it, status is just to keep you informed during longer jobs, why keep old results ? I'm also afraid using a GUICtrlCreateEdit will cause GUI flicker problems  :(
  • use windows desktop setting as window background color... kind of dislike this color
    done in 1.54 (no mention in help that -1 = Windows standard   :-[)
  • menu do get lost of some buttons clean gui
    you mean move buttons into a menu ? to me, that just means more clicks to get there :D
  • import settings from old ini
    will cause problems if ini entries are renamed/changed during development; is it worth the trouble to save maybe 10 clicks ?  ;)
  • safer gui handle (for example look at attached file)
    done in 1.54  ;)
  • chdk-shell self update check
    check should be easy, but zShare doesn't allow deep linking, so that would mean popping up the DL page in user's browser
  • multilanguage support
    I once maintained a fairly large app in 4 languages, and, believe me, looking at lots of $string[$lang][137] instead of "example string" makes reading and hacking a program much more difficult   :(
  • write a little wiki page about chdk-shell with current download link and mirror
    excellent idea (wiki formatting is hell, though  :D)

Please don't take my criticism on some of your suggestions serious though, this IS a GPL app, happy hacking !
A request: could you (if you release a mod) change the name a bit - from your reply #70:
not CHDK-Shell-v153.au3 , but CHDK-Shell-v153pd2k.au3 (just an example)
That avoids ini conflicts while testing ... TIA


Almost forgot: [edit: 1.54 -> 155:  bugfix + added 'version' button] - 1.02MB
« Last Edit: 09 / August / 2008, 10:08:24 by whim »


Offline pixeldoc2000

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Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
« Reply #76 on: 10 / August / 2008, 17:47:57 »

    Please don't take my criticism on some of your suggestions serious though, this IS a GPL app, happy hacking !
    No problem!

    A request: could you (if you release a mod) change the name a bit - from your reply #70:
    not CHDK-Shell-v153.au3 , but CHDK-Shell-v153pd2k.au3 (just an example)
    Ok, should have done this before post. NP

    program option: don't delete downloaded source files
    done in 1.54  ;)

    change "status" label into a nice log:
    as I see it, status is just to keep you informed during longer jobs, why keep old results ? I'm also afraid using a GUICtrlCreateEdit will cause GUI flicker problems  :([/li][/list]

    menu do get lost of some buttons clean gui
    you mean move buttons into a menu ? to me, that just means more clicks to get there :D

    import settings from old ini
    will cause problems if ini entries are renamed/changed during development; is it worth the trouble to save maybe 10 clicks ?  ;)

    chdk-shell self update check
    check should be easy, but zShare doesn't allow deep linking, so that would mean popping up the DL page in user's browser
    Thats what i meant, maybe just link to chkd-shell wiki page or special update page... could host this on my server too...

    multilanguage support
    I once maintained a fairly large app in 4 languages, and, believe me, looking at lots of $string[$lang][137] instead of "example string" makes reading and hacking a program much more difficult   :(
    Yes, i know... this is ugly... ok

    write a little wiki page about chdk-shell with current download link and mirror
    excellent idea (wiki formatting is hell, though  :D)
    As i already created one for cardtricks, ill can do it again :-)

    greez p::d


    Offline whim

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    Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
    « Reply #77 on: 15 / August / 2008, 11:23:10 »
    Another update for CHDK-Shell: [edit] see more recent post for bugfixed version 1.59

    • Base program folder cleanup: trunk versions are now expanded into the 'trunk' subdir - you'll need to move your old 'trunkXXX' dirs there to access them from the program. Using a version < 1.58 on the new dir structure will mess it up  :(, without data loss though  :) ) Sorry for the inconvenience, but I got fed up with scrolling through 140 + 'trunkXXX' dirs
      in the base dir - I need to go there often, to play with the latest au3 versions of the program.

    • Left pane (with cam/firm selections) is now alphabetically sorted, and will now auto-adjust font & row spacing to support up to 70 cams (hover mouse on selection boxes for tooltip showing row spacing and font size)

    • Branches with missing or invalid Makefile are now also excluded from update checking and removed from the branch selection list (see 'Branch config ...' button)

    • CardTricks menu updated to level of CT 1.36; support for Udumper2008, which enables dumping of newer cams' firmware (ixus80_sd1100, A590, ...)  Also modified bootable.exe to support CF cards in DSLR's, these require an extra string in the bootsector (included since it seems to work OK on my P&S cams) - note that if you're updating (as in: you already have a 'CHDK-Shell' dir) the file will NOT be replaced, you should manually delete it to allow the program to install the new version.
      The non-CF compatible version is copied there as, in case you need/want it.
      In fact, all helper files in  'CHDK-Shell' dir are "FileInstall"ed using the no-overwrite flag.

    • New program debug option 'show arrays'


    [edit] attached pic of dir after clean install
    « Last Edit: 16 / August / 2008, 06:18:13 by whim »


    Offline fe50

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    Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
    « Reply #78 on: 15 / August / 2008, 19:03:59 »
    Thanks wim for the Update !

    I'm not sure whether this is a problem only in my environment, but 1.58 (after a clean install & self-download the sources) saves no zip pack in the bin folder, neither with the trunk nor with JuciPhox, only the log files are there.
    With v1.54 & the same source tree it works normal, the zip file is saved correctly.
    But it's no problem, in v1.54 there's all i need (...and at the moment i'm too lazy to look to the sources...)  :)


    Offline zdravko

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    Re: Windows GUI for trunk building
    « Reply #79 on: 16 / August / 2008, 06:00:08 »
    I'm not sure whether this is a problem only in my environment, but 1.58 (after a clean install & self-download the sources) saves no zip pack in the bin folder, neither with the trunk nor with JuciPhox, only the log files are there.

    The same for me! The bin folder is empty. If this can be of any help, I checked the option "Show Cmd Windows" and here is the output from the console:

    Code: (dos) [Select]

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>if not "s3is" == "" goto comp

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>set PATH=D:\CHDK\CHDK\gcc\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:
    \WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control
    Panel;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\AGL;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\
    ATI.ACE\C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;D:\CHDK\gcc\bin

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>set LF=bin\logs\log-s3is-100a.txt

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>set EF=bin\logs\err-s3is-100a.txt

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>gmake PLATFORM=s3is PLATFORMSUB=100a   2>>bin\logs\e
    rr-s3is-100a.txt 1>>bin\logs\log-s3is-100a.txt

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>gmake PLATFORM=s3is PLATFORMSUB=100a clean  1>nul

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>del /F /Q bin\*.fi?  1>nul 2>nul

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>set LF=

    D:\CHDK\CHDK\trunk\trunk485>set EF=




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