A810 porting thread - page 7 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A810 porting thread

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Offline 3ddd

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Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #60 on: 22 / October / 2012, 19:45:57 »
Just got a  pair of shiny red A810's.
They are 100e.
So no sync test possible for me :-(

Is someone still working on 100e?

SDM, A3200IS, A810, A720

Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #61 on: 24 / October / 2012, 22:05:14 »
I too just bought an A810 with 100e firmware. I would be delighted to help out with the porting of CHDK to this firmware. I'm a script-er rather than a programmer. I could certainly help with logs and controlled experiments. Can anyone tell the status of the port to 100e?


Andrew Robinson


Offline nafraf

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Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #62 on: 25 / October / 2012, 07:16:36 »
Hi, 100e firmware is almost done.  Thanks to beta testers.

There are some minor bugs, but I´ll submit the patch at the beginning of the next week.

Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #63 on: 25 / October / 2012, 08:09:39 »
Just got a  pair of shiny red A810's.

A real stereo photographer would use a red one and a blue one.  :)

As Canon do not make a blue one, you would use a black one instead.

You would know your left camera images are on the red one.



Offline 3ddd

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Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #64 on: 25 / October / 2012, 14:31:17 »
. . . linke this Stereo Rig:
A3200IS Stereo Rig

The red A810 Rig is made to suite more the female taste.

« Last Edit: 25 / October / 2012, 14:34:41 by 3ddd »
SDM, A3200IS, A810, A720

Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #65 on: 05 / November / 2012, 16:03:38 »
I have an A810 with the 1.00e firmware and would like to help.   I'm technically inclined but totally new to photography.
So far I've successfully taken high-speed shots of water droplets and built a usb remote. 
I've tried the sample motion detection scripts which seem to work but the camera keeps taking pictures even when there's nothing moving anymore (using parameters preset in the samples).  (edit: just saw the notes.txt in the source tree stating that motion detection is not tested)

Also, the drawtest.lua script fails with a "not enough memory" error during the "Will print 2000 pixels" part.

What can I do to help and test?
« Last Edit: 05 / November / 2012, 18:53:10 by SnowLeopard »
A810 1.00e

Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #66 on: 05 / November / 2012, 19:57:16 »
I've tried the sample motion detection scripts which seem to work but the camera keeps taking pictures even when there's nothing moving anymore (using parameters preset in the samples).  (edit: just saw the notes.txt in the source tree stating that motion detection is not tested)
The only thing guaranteed about the default parameters in the example MD script provided with CHDK is that they are almost definitely wrong for any particular camera.   More details here :  http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Motion_Detection
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Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #67 on: 06 / November / 2012, 14:20:29 »
I tried the Universal Motion Detection script and it doesn't loop like the small samples.   I'll have fiddle with all the settings to get better results, but it is working as I'd expect so far.

For the not enough memory error from the drawtest.lua test script, I removed everything up to that point and added a print i inside the for loop.  It gets to 2000 and the plots the pixels as it should, then clears the screen and crashes in the next loop (preparing to draw 1000 random lines) at iteration 307.
The only functions being called in the for loops are math.random and draw.add, so my impression is the problem is in the "draw" routines... maybe draw.clear isn't freeing memory properly?   

Update:   I made a mistake -- wasn't using the Universal motion detection script linked above, but rather the Multipurpose Motion Detection Scrpt.  Sorry.
I just did a few other tests with it using the MD_Testv3 "timing" program.   My first shots gave a response time of 600-700ms.   Then I added a "shoot_half" line and locked the focus before running the script and got results of 120-220ms over 5 shots.
« Last Edit: 07 / November / 2012, 02:12:45 by SnowLeopard »
A810 1.00e

Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #68 on: 09 / November / 2012, 11:58:55 »
I've gotten rid of the "not enough memory" error caused by drawtest.lua by recompiling with EXMEM_BUFFER_SIZE and MEMISOSTART set to the values for 1mb buffer size instead of the current 512kb (in platform/a810/sub/100e/makefile.inc).

Another problem I found:  the log files created by various test scripts do not have a proper timestamp -- they are all stamped 01/01/2000.   The ROMLOG.LOG created by CHDK does have the correct timestamp.   Is this somehow related to the os.mkdir giving false failures in the llibtest.lua script?
A810 1.00e


Offline nafraf

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Re: A810 porting thread
« Reply #69 on: 09 / November / 2012, 12:31:01 »
I've gotten rid of the "not enough memory" error caused by drawtest.lua by recompiling with EXMEM_BUFFER_SIZE and MEMISOSTART set to the values for 1mb buffer size instead of the current 512kb (in platform/a810/sub/100e/makefile.inc).
Good, I'll try in my camera.

Another problem I found:  the log files created by various test scripts do not have a proper timestamp -- they are all stamped 01/01/2000.   The ROMLOG.LOG created by CHDK does have the correct timestamp.   Is this somehow related to the os.mkdir giving false failures in the llibtest.lua script?
Did you check the date of your camera? :)   
This is the header of a log file generated by a 100e tester:
Code: [Select]
a810 100e CHDK 1.2.0 Oct 13 2012 13:03:49 dryos 0x323f
START                        |                 PLAY   0 32772 PLY
SET RECORD                   |                    P   2 32772 STL 1480ms sleep 49 OK
TRY                 AUTO   1 |                 AUTO   1 32768 STL   80ms OK
TRY                    P   2 |                    P   2 32772 STL  260ms OK

Btw, please test this patch to mkdir issue. It was done following the reyalp recommendation posted here.
I have not submitted it, because I want to check the mkdir address better ;)  Maybe that's the problem.


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