I use Linux as OS, not Windows.
I also downloaded the sources for ptpcam and installed them, as described here:http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6231.45
I'm not exactly sure about PTP_Extension, i did not install anything additional on the camera, is that ok?The PTP_Extension is in the CHDK already, is that correct?
./ptpcam --bus=1 --dev=6 -iCamera information==================Failed to connect (attempt 1), retrying in 1 s...
I'd like to use chdkptp but it does not compile using the description on the page that lets me compile ptpcam. Not in standard with no changes and not with copying the ptp.h.
Running a compiled binary does not work:./chdkptp: error while loading shared libraries: libiuplua51.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryI have lua 5.1 installed on my system, but no libiuplua51 and it does not seem to be available.
Do you have any more hints? Would you be interested in the error log of compiling chdkptp?
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