Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using

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Offline d4005

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Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« on: 11 / August / 2012, 11:48:09 »

I'm trying to figure out how to use the ultra intervalometer script and having trouble. I'm sure it's my fault, but I can't make any progress and could use some hints.


Canon S3 iS with CHDK installed and working fine with the memory card setup properly.


To take consecutive 30 second images all night tonight (for the meteor shower).

I'll be wanting the largest aperture to get the most light in, I'll be focused on infinity, exposure will be 30 seconds and time gap between images as small as possible.

Why I can't figure it out:

Reading the CHDK user guide for intervalometers I just don't understand what it's talking about with value factor, ev step, shutterspeed enum type.
In regular use: Canon S100, Canon SX40HS (*CHDK*), Ricoh R8
Still around but unused: Canon S3 iS (*CHDK*), Canon G11 (loaned out), Casio EX-FS10

Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #1 on: 11 / August / 2012, 12:28:57 »
We will probably need a link to the exact script you are trying to use.  There are many intervalometer's out there and sometimes the names overlap.

Is this the wiki page you were reading : http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/UBASIC/Scripts:_Ultra_Intervalometer  ?

If not,  a link to the user guide you mention would be helpful too.
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Offline d4005

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #2 on: 11 / August / 2012, 12:47:05 »
Yes, that's the script I'm using, the "ultra intervalometer". As for the user guide, it's just called "User Quick Start Guide V1.9.1 December 2011". I think it's the general purpose guide that I got from the CHDK wiki site.

It's looking like I'll have to give up on CHDK. I don't see how I can get this to work with just a couple of hours to go :( Sad, because I'm not trying to do anything complicated - just 30 second exposures "forever".
In regular use: Canon S100, Canon SX40HS (*CHDK*), Ricoh R8
Still around but unused: Canon S3 iS (*CHDK*), Canon G11 (loaned out), Casio EX-FS10

Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #3 on: 11 / August / 2012, 12:56:32 »
It's looking like I'll have to give up on CHDK. I don't see how I can get this to work with just a couple of hours to go :( Sad, because I'm not trying to do anything complicated - just 30 second exposures "forever".
If you want to keep it simple,  just use the intervalometer script that comes in the CHDK installation zip file.

It looks like this :
Code: [Select]
@title Intervalometer
@param a = interval (sec)
@default a 15
    s = get_tick_count
    sleep a*1000 - (get_tick_count - s)
until ( 0 )

and change the interval from 15 to 30.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline d4005

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #4 on: 11 / August / 2012, 13:10:03 »
I've figured out the ultra intervalometer now (and yes the basic one would have worked).

I'm stuck on the shutter speed override. My S3 iS has a longest exposure of 15" and I want 30 seconds. It's the Menu->Extra Photo Operations->Override Shutter Speed part that I'm not understanding.

What do I need to get 30 second exposures in the following fields:

(a) Actual selected camera shutter speed, currently I have 15", does it need to be a special value (e.g. 1")

(b) Menu->Extra Photo Operations->Override Shutter Speed [what values goes in the brackets?]
(c) Menu->Extra Photo Operations->Override Shutter Speed->Value Factor [what values goes in the brackets?]
(d) Menu->Extra Photo Operations->Shutterspeed enum type [what values goes in the brackets?]

It's these 4 values that I don't think are well explained (for my level of intelligence at least) in the standard CHDK user guide.
In regular use: Canon S100, Canon SX40HS (*CHDK*), Ricoh R8
Still around but unused: Canon S3 iS (*CHDK*), Canon G11 (loaned out), Casio EX-FS10

Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #5 on: 11 / August / 2012, 13:23:16 »
Set Disable Overrides to [Disable]
Set Override Shutter Speed  [30]
Value Factor   [1]
Shutterspeed enum type [Ev step]

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline d4005

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #6 on: 11 / August / 2012, 13:29:59 »
Set Disable Overrides to [Disable]
Set Override Shutter Speed  [30]
Value Factor   [1]
Shutterspeed enum type [Ev step]

I saw in the user guide that in most cases we'd want it set to EvStep, but the other fields weren't clear.

So that's saying to me that the shutter speed I want is 30s regardless of whatever I have it set to (or do I have to set it to 1" because of that value factor?).

Is that Value Factor of 1 basically a boolean with 1 meaning true? Or is it the value that I need to have the camera shutter speed set to?
In regular use: Canon S100, Canon SX40HS (*CHDK*), Ricoh R8
Still around but unused: Canon S3 iS (*CHDK*), Canon G11 (loaned out), Casio EX-FS10

Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #7 on: 11 / August / 2012, 13:42:34 »
I should not matter what you set the camera's shutter speed to.  CHDK will override with the value you entered in the menu.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline d4005

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Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #8 on: 11 / August / 2012, 13:43:27 »
I should not matter what you set the camera's shutter speed to.  CHDK will override with the value you entered in the menu.
Great. Thanks a log WW :-)
In regular use: Canon S100, Canon SX40HS (*CHDK*), Ricoh R8
Still around but unused: Canon S3 iS (*CHDK*), Canon G11 (loaned out), Casio EX-FS10

Re: Ultra Intervalometer, need some help using
« Reply #9 on: 11 / August / 2012, 14:39:33 »
if it works i want to see those meteor shower pics :)


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