int (*send_resp)(int handle, PTPContainer *resp);
int (*send_resp)(int handle, PTPContainer *resp, int zero);
data->send_resp( data->handle, &ptp );
data->send_resp( data->handle, &ptp, 0 );
Many things (file upload, download, luar, etc.) work, including live view, but ls gives empty result preventing the GUI from populating the tree view on the "Files" tab. It's surely not running out of memory (~3MB free).@reyalp: could you give a hint on this?
I don't really have much idea. ls uses the message interface (write_usb_msg in camera side lua) but return values in luar use the same mechanism as far as PTP is concerned. Have you check that luar actually receives the return values, not just waiting for the script to finish, e.g.=return 1It should return something like1:return:1You could also try.write_usb_msg('test')getmwhich should return something like2:user:'test'
connected: Canon DIGITAL IXUS 30, max packet size 64con> =return 11:return:1con 1> .write_usb_msg('test')con 2> getm2:user:'test'con 2> lscon 3> ls A/con 4> ls Acon 5>
The problem is, I don't know whether this is related to some other PTP oddity or a firmware function is misbehaving independently. The file explorer on camera works fine too, recognizes dirs, etc.
try =return os.listdir('A/') ?
connected: Canon DIGITAL IXUS 30, max packet size 64con> =return os.listdir('A/')5:return:table:{[1]="CHDK",[2]="DISKBOOT.BIN",[3]="DCIM",[4]="badpixel.bin",[5]="ver.req",[6]="paramdmp.log",[7]="MISC",[8]="chdk_ixus30_111006am.tar.gz",}con 5>
Code: [Select]connected: Canon DIGITAL IXUS 30, max packet size 64con> =return os.listdir('A/')5:return:table:{[1]="CHDK",[2]="DISKBOOT.BIN",[3]="DCIM",[4]="badpixel.bin",[5]="ver.req",[6]="paramdmp.log",[7]="MISC",[8]="chdk_ixus30_111006am.tar.gz",}con 5>Oh, well ... Removing that backup file with the long name makes things work... Sorry about that.
No need to apologize, that shouldn't kill ls. I'll have to take a look at it.
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