Are you OK after a good beer? What should I look at to give you more data?
What would we all do without you!?
!return con:execwait('return get_meminfo()')
local status,mi=con:execwait('return get_meminfo()'); print(status,serialize(mi))
There may be some text in the command prompt window rather than the gui console.
function dcimdl(destdir,del,pretend) if pretend then pretend = '-pretend ' else pretend = '' end local dcim,err=con:listdir('A/DCIM') if not dcim then printf('error listing directory %s\n',tostring(err)) return end for i,dname in ipairs(dcim) do if dname ~= 'CANONMSC' then cli:print_status(cli:execute('mdl '..pretend..' -fmatch=%.[JDC][PNR][G2W]$ DCIM/'..dname..' '..destdir)) if del then cli:print_status(cli:execute('rm '..pretend..' -skip_topdirs DCIM')) end end endendfunction myshoot(tv, av, sv, destdir) cli:execute('shoot -tv='' -av='..av..' -sv=''') -- con:execwait('sleep(1000)') dcimdl(destdir, true, false)end
Memory? With the SX110 I only shoot a JPG and with the S90 I shoot JPG and Canon CR2. The behavior is very similar with the two cameras.
Canon seems to "hang" rather than do a clean shutdown ... the lens stays extended and everything dies.
function dcimdl(destdir,del,pretend) local status,mi=con:execwait('return get_meminfo()'); print("enter dcimdl:",status,serialize(mi)) if pretend then pretend = '-pretend ' else pretend = '' end local dcim,err=con:listdir('A/DCIM') local status,mi=con:execwait('return get_meminfo()'); print("after listdir:",status,serialize(mi)) if not dcim then printf('error listing directory %s\n',tostring(err)) return end for i,dname in ipairs(dcim) do if dname ~= 'CANONMSC' then cli:print_status(cli:execute('mdl '..pretend..' -fmatch=%.[JDC][PNR][G2W]$ DCIM/'..dname..' '..destdir)) local status,mi=con:execwait('return get_meminfo()'); print("after mdl",status,serialize(mi)) if del then --cli:print_status(cli:execute('rm '..pretend..' -nodirs -fmatch=%.[JDC][PNR][G2W]$ DCIM/'..dname)) cli:print_status(cli:execute('rm '..pretend..' -skip_topdirs DCIM')) end end endendfunction myshoot(tv, av, sv, destdir) cli:execute('shoot -tv='' -av='..av..' -sv=''') dcimdl(destdir, true, false)end
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Started by reyalp RAW Shooting and Processing