I was able to reproduce the ASSERT!! ReadFDir.c Line 96 error on d10 in a build without cam meminfo, in under 50 shots.
I have not yet been able to reproduce the FolderCreate0 one, but I can't use a post shoot sleep of less than about a second without getting the FsIoNotify one.
Yeah nice, this is good progress overall // welcome news indeed. With DNGs it's very long and boring over bench setup USB 1.0 unfortunately .. a couple of hours for the two silly tests.
A USB 2.0 computer would seem like a good investment

Quote "Shoot waits for most of the shooting process to complete. In particular, it shouldn't return until CHDK raw is complete, if it's enabled. "
That's what I sensed from observation and see it thoroughly with DNG. What you told me the 1st time seems contrary.
Well, it's complicated. CHDK will wait for the CHDK raw code to finish, but that doesn't mean it will have zero impact on whatever follows. So enabling / disabling raw could affect the delay required, but not for the whole several seconds that it takes to save a raw.
Also on the S90 the Canon CR2 will be important to handle properly.
I have no idea how that interacts with shoot, since I've never had a camera that does Canon native raw.
And for your behavior description of listdir and mdl? Could you point me to where you describe those? I can't find it.
I linked the post, don't know what more I can do...
That was your initial code. But we moved away from that concept because of the S90 and its peculiar naming scheme if I recall.
I don't think so. Since we are using listdir to get the dcim directory names, the camera naming scheme doesn't really matter.
All you have to do to preserve the directories is switch -skip_topdirs to -nodirs in the rm command. Note that this will also leave the CANONMSC directory, but still delete the file. In general, I'd suggest doing the minimum number of unexpected things to the canon firmware. Deleting files and directories out from under it is not something the designers would have anticipated.
BTW, the rm command is still in the wrong place, as I pointed out here:
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=8613.msg90669#msg90669If you ever ended up with more than one directory, it would remove *all* the files from all the directories after you downloaded the contents of the *first* directory.
Having to do it this will leave empty subdirectories ... do you foresee any conflicts there? edit: If possible I'd rather try to make dcimdl work in the current configuration.
*shrug* no idea. I just observed that the task allegedly responsible for the crash deals looks like it has something to do with folders, and we are doing something the Canon firmware wouldn't expect to folders, so it might be worth trying a different way.
It is more important that it work on the S90. Can you please send me an S90 build with these goodies inside?
Attached is a build for s90 with cam_meminfo enabled. You can check the meminfo functionality by just doing
=return get_meminfo()
If it returns values and doesn't crash, then it's almost certainly OK.
well the forum went down when I first tried to post this, lets try again
If you have 10 minutes ... can you try enabling JPG and DNG on yours and doing a hundred?
100 shots with jpeg and DNG completed successfully (1.96 gb on a 1gb card, nice

). Note this is with a 2 second sleep (because as mentioned above, I get the FsIoNotify error if it's too short), and the live view window not active.