CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis - page 24 - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis

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Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #230 on: 19 / September / 2012, 01:15:20 »
I had started a long run on the S90-100c camera a bit earlier, with 1.6s delay.  It has a C10 card which saves the file in ~3/4s, twice as fast as the S90-101a.

Do you want me to stop this one and restart on the 100c with memory sniff on?
It's your choice. It should definitively tell us whether it's slowly eating up memory or there is something else going on, so if you want to diagnose the ReadFDir.c 335 assert, I'd say it's the next step. Or you could just reboot every 1000 shots and call it good ;)
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #231 on: 19 / September / 2012, 07:07:02 »
anyone who comes to see my lab has to sign an NDA and I don't give out or send out any information

So, the noble quest of addressing a certain aspect of "where do we come from?" is corrupted by the human weakness for  fame and fortune ?

"If I have seen further than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants".


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #232 on: 19 / September / 2012, 10:36:31 »
The genesis of this project was almost a decade ago when I was alone.  Things are different now.  You have to know there are others with me who have contributed in a few scientific disciplines ... in biophysics, microbiology, paleobiology and geology.  It is an agreement among us in the group and I have to respect their wishes to be published, and what the instrumentation does and how, is part of it.  It is a mutual process of idea preservation until a cohesive presentation can be made in print that I have learned to respect too.  One of my colleagues had his idea stolen and published by others when as a student he presented his preliminary research on a poster at a conference.  Was his idea worth stealing?  He has two publications in Nature, so I believe him.  As opposed to my project's noble inception, this should give you some sense where it sits today in the "human" realm and what I can and cannot say in public forum at this time.  What I can say is, unlike medical research, the field of early life research is considerably more difficult to get funded, and one has to survive.  Has the noble quest been corrupted?  The answer to these kinds of questions is not at all simple ... perhaps in some ways yes unfortunately, but there is little choice.  Survival is not fortune // I drive a 24-yo car and live in an apartment and that is unlikely to change except that the car keeps getting older, and so do I.  In me personally, despite the changes of time, the burning question remains and is what continues to drive all my efforts.  I am asking you to please be patient.

Quote "It's your choice."

I let it go as-was with the S90-100c with the C10 card and no memory sniff.  It is up to 900 myshoots & still running.  Right now to stop the test I do a brutal exit from CHDKPTP DOS window.  Could you show me a couple of snippets that can 1) poll a keystroke ("press a key to stop" idea), and 2) signal or probe for a PTP error in loop_shoots so I can stop it.  That would prevent loss of DOS window information if the program can stop on error.  Otherwise it fills up with error messages because the loop continues running.

Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #233 on: 19 / September / 2012, 11:04:01 »
I am asking you to please be patient.

OK, let us see what the New Year, or later brings.

After you have discovered how 'life' came into existence, you can search for the beginnings of consciousness.

That should keep you busy   :)


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #234 on: 19 / September / 2012, 12:30:24 »
The question of what constitutes life, and especially what 'life' was before the Great Oxygenation Event at ~2.4Ga is an open question and source of very interesting debate.  The camps are pretty much equally divided as 1) how to define it, and 2) how to detect it.  Pushing that marker back in time is what we are attempting to do, and that alone is extremely difficult.  So as far as discovering how 'life' came it came into existence, that is unlikely to happen for a very long time.  Funny that you should connect the two, because younger son is studying neuroscience and his interest in exactly that: consciousness // so I'll leave it up to him.  My older son just flew out to the University of Edinburgh to study mechanical engineering on a student exchange // I feel he's a bit more grounded with decent future job assurance.

As much as these are profound philosophical topics and fun to chat about, let us stay on subject of this forum.  I would not want to upset the CHDK community as I feel I have a good rapport with everyone.  Thanks.


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #235 on: 19 / September / 2012, 13:34:29 »
S90-100c C10 fast SD card.  1.6s post-shoot delay.  Successful 1200 myshoots, ended normally.  See figure.

Unfortunately I neglected to set LCD off to 'always' last night, the camera shut down and we lost any accumulation effects that could have been present.  So the test is inconclusive, but the camera was left in a PUP clean state.

This gives a time window to do a few things:
   a) get your images
   b) install the new CHDK test-1 into S90-100c
   c) dig up and refurbish an old USB 2 desktop I have sitting around somewhere for high speed loop testing
   d) convert loop_myshoots for error exit -- help?

Another AC adapter for the new camera will be ordered today.
« Last Edit: 19 / September / 2012, 13:36:00 by SticK »


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #236 on: 19 / September / 2012, 14:10:26 »
Can you please send me a code snippet that help me set up a poll for ptp error from inside loop_myshoots?


Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #237 on: 19 / September / 2012, 14:40:30 »


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #238 on: 19 / September / 2012, 16:46:56 »
Thanks for the dumps, from preliminary inspection, they look good.

I let it go as-was with the S90-100c with the C10 card and no memory sniff.  It is up to 900 myshoots & still running.  Right now to stop the test I do a brutal exit from CHDKPTP DOS window.  Could you show me a couple of snippets that can 1) poll a keystroke ("press a key to stop" idea),
This is actually fairly complicated. As I said, the gui is little more than a proof of concept. When you run lua from the cli interface, the gui is completely blocked out until the cli command finishes. I have some ideas of how to fix this, but it will require some major re-working, you aren't going to be able to just drop a "check for keypress" function in your current code.
and 2) signal or probe for a PTP error in loop_shoots so I can stop it.  That would prevent loss of DOS window information if the program can stop on error.
All the functions that talk to the camera return a status. You should be able to figure out how to make my_shoot() return a status and end the loop based on that. You can also use error() to abort your lua code anywhere. Since I don't know what your current code looks like, I can hardly give you a snippet to do this.
Alternately, you could do something like
Code: [Select]
if not con:is_connected() then
in you loop_myshoots loops
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Offline SticK

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Re: CHDKPTP - PC Remote Control Performance Analysis
« Reply #239 on: 19 / September / 2012, 17:18:26 »
Thanks for the snippet // it's simple and what I was looking for // it's the more important of the two.

The USB 2 machine (one-core 2GHz) is up with your S/W & S90_100c.  It uses crappy Vista and svchost is hogging something there that keeps CPU at near 100%.  Despite the hog I am getting a very respectable 9 fps and very fast transfer.

Beautiful // we can test now.  I will address your thoughts from that nice explanation from last night later this evening.


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