Quote "- does the camera always crash when exiting the menu, or only after "visiting" certain parts of it?"
Visiting, changing parameters and exiting the top-level menu has worked OK every time I've tried it so far. It's when I go to a 2nd level menu (eg. of the type "Menu item ...") change something there, exit the 2nd level back into the top level (which works), and then when I try to exit the top level is when I get the freeze. In a couple cases I recall I got the "script already running" message. Also if I recall correctly in one case, when going to a 3rd level, I was able to set the parameter, but it froze right after attempting to exit the 2nd level. Basically you could sum it up as "unable to exit the immediate higher-level menu when accessing a lower-level menu".
Quote "- what happened between the powerup and the crash (rec or play mode, any other activities)?"
PUP, REC, Viewfinder ON, UI ON, that's the minimum. I have not tried it in PUP (PLAY default).
Quote "- can you try with the other build (if you used mine, try reyalp's to prove it's not some compiler toolchain related issue)?"
Good question. Yes indeed this has happened on reyalp's builds a few times already and I may have mentioned it. But now that I can't operate the 101a camera directly, it has become more important.
Also, I can't give you a ROMLOG from that camera because CHDK menus don't respond to
=click("menu") (or the MENU button) after setting =enter_alt(). =enter_alt() and =exit_alt() do work however.
edit: correction -- =click("menu"), not =press("menu")