That result leans towards a preliminary observational interpretation that the 1EV+ ISO 1600, noise seems to increase as expected, but in the ISO3200, the scene signal strength does appear to be higher, thus one could conclude the Canon "ISO3200 Special" is unique and not a fake.
Yes., 3rd para. this helps.
If there is an amplifier gain change, whether it is 2X or higher or lower, it would be a useful CHDK feature to have. But that can only be discovered with 100% certainty if CHDK implements the feature. It would be interesting if you could locate the hook so we can find out.
That's because when I use REBOOT from CHDKPTP (PLAY, REBOOT, CONNECT), the image counter is not saved in permanent memory overwriting the last files since the last real PDN. If I use SHUTDOWN and then the power switch, the next file is correct, ie IMG_6208. That means shooting after REBOOT overwrites files and would be good to fix.
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