>> After a delay of many seconds, then I finally get "DNG Disabled", but it scrolls down screen.
This is weird. I can't reproduce it on my D10 when the "DNG Disabled" message is trigger. It doesn't have canon raw, but how the message is triggered shouldn't matter. I don't see how this would be introduced between 2163 and now, very little that isn't platform specific to other cameras has changed in the 1.1 branch.
BBQ - BarbecueBTW - By The Way
WTF - What's True | False
The double slashes is a warlock's brew from my word dungeon ... I haven't seen it anywhere come back at me from over the horizon yet, even though I've been using it for a few years in my private communications with many folks.
In the late-seventies I did something hardly anyone else did. When I got an Apple II to move a mainframe mathematical radio transmission modeling program to a microcomputer, which by the way none of my colleagues believed could be done, the first thing I began with was the Z80 card and CP/M.
A small anecdote ... after seeing that gross-looking barricaded-68000 Mac tree stump in the early 80s, the Apple II was the last Apple product I committed to ever own, and the only one time I used that one in its native mode was to turn it on to see if it worked after unpacking. I have remained true to this day.
Quote " In other words, if you turn Canon RAW or DNG off, is it still slow?"Canon RAW ON, no problem fast as usual. Turning ON DNG seems to slow things down, but, I am not used to DNG so I don't know if it's normal or not. -- I'll keep an eye out.
TMUOTS - I don't know what that is // you've got me mixed up with someone else ... so I don't deserve that much
Did you know that both Voyager spacecrafts used the 1802s as their navigation computers?
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