I would happily do the testing or send a PM - only I don't know what PM is :-)
PM = personal message. I suppose it might also stand for private message. In any case, its lets you send a message to a registered forum user without everyone else needing to see it. In this case, it would have kept your email address private and less exposed to spammers.
Get there via the little text comment icon under people's nicknames on the left hand side of every forum posting.
I'm away from my development computer for the next couple of days and its been a while since I looked at the state of the SD980. I should be able to take a look next week though.
UPDATE : the PRIMARY.BIN file for
IXUX200_SD980 f/w 1.00c is truncated. Looking back in the forum, it appears to have actually been "blinked out" with an LED. To proceed, I really need a full 8M dump using the Canon BASIC dumper :