Hi - I'd love to replicate the results at
Samples: High-Speed Shutter & Flash-Sync - CHDK Wiki, but there's not quite enough information for me.
I'm using the recent Allbest CHDK build on a Canon 850IS.
The settings say "1/10,000 second, Manual mode, f/3.5, flash manual at lowest output, +4 diopter close-up lens, subject distance approx. 10 inches (25cm), room lights and lights above sink all turned on.".
... I see how to set the shutter override, however, I don't understand how to set the "flash manual at the lowest output" or explicitly set f/3.5 - at least on this model. Can anyone clarify for me how to do this, or if it's even possible with this model.
As far as I can see I can only indirectly set the f-stop and the flash is simply on/off. Is this article using the in-built flash on the camera?
If not, I'd like a recommend on an inexpensive (even older) Canon camera that is able to do this.
Thanks, Steve