I ordered two Arduino MEGA 2560 that will address some optocouplers or relais while being connected to a PC too. this way I can upload/download images, exposure settings and all that, while still using chdkptp.
In these circumstances - might someone, perhaps, be so kind as to comment based on the following, quoted from http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6601.msg70040#msg70040
"...As an aside, it would be neat to give wait_until_remote_button_is_released to the ability to wait for other conditions too. Specifically, to shoot on a particular tick of the tick counter, set earlier by script or code. This would allow shooting via PTP with a repeatable delay "(i) was this functionality ever developed ? [I guess not]
(ii) if not I assume it would be possible to do so - but, even if it were, would it have any applicability in the case of synchronisation of multiple units ? [I guess not]
Edit: on second thoughts - I now think my query is ill founded i.e voltage change on the 5V line is required & therefore a chdkptp solution can only ever be a part of the overall solution. A few 'code interpretation' eureka moments needed this end.
...referred to by waterwingz here: http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=10687.msg105256#msg105256"When you have USB remote shooting and remote sync enabled, the shooting sequence "stops" just before the shutter actually opens if the USB power = 5V. It waits there for the USB power to go to 0v. When that happens, it completes the shot. It does not care how you got to that point in the shooting sequence (shutter button or USB switch or script) - it just looks at the 5V line and USB setup status."
assuming the chdkptp 'shoot' command had been issued, as per waterwingz description at reply#41 http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=8769.msg105488#msg105488 in this topic, then [before the 5V line is dropped to 0v as described by waterwingz above] can further chdkptp commands be issued [from chdkptp gui or chdkptp script] to adjust 'settings' [being, potentially, focus / exposure / aperture] and these 'adjusted settings' then be the ones used [i.e locked in on multi cams] when the shot is 'completed' [at the time the voltage goes to 0v] - the aim being to setup for future 'studio flash' lighting conditions at capture time.
I'm not sure I completely follow the question
but the setting should be set before the shot starts
So, according to this, in a studio, at the point in time that the chdkptp 'shoot' command is issued, lighting conditions = ambient. Focus / exposure / [aperture? do P&S have aperture control]
are automatically set based on these 'ambient' conditions [is that assumption correct ?].
However, if fast action capture is required based on subsequent tens of microsecond studio-flash capture then ambient light auto generated exposure / focus / aperture settings may be [will be ?] sub-optimal.
If these settings can be, programatically, set & 'locked in', based on the expectation of future studio flash conditions [via chdkptp commands/script prior to chdkptp 'shoot'] so that the 'ambient light' "Multi-Camera Synchronization...Enable Sync...This allows CHDK on several cameras to focus, adjust exposure, setup the flash and then wait for a shared signal to complete the shot" settings [somehow ] have no impact on the 'locked-in expected flash-condition' settings then [I think] that's what i'd like [but my assumption is that this is not possible].
It sounds like you may be misunderstanding the remote page.
The part you quoted just means that the remote code allows the camera to wait after those things have been set. It does not set them, you have to arrange that yourself using manual mode, camera auto exposure, or some script or override.
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