But it means that if you unplug the USB cable and try to use the camera normally with CHDK, you can't until you either remove CHDK or load a normal version of CHDK.
For my use I don't foresee the need to ever remove the USB [between the end of the hub network and camera - i'll just switch the final connection with arduino/optoisolator/FET combi] - but i'm not yet sure if I may (for example) also need to use the 5V line for pulse signalling [along with camera side script that uses get_usb_power()]
or perhaps some other camera side script(s) that are initiated by chdkptp
OR yet some other '
normal' CHDK operation - and what (if any) restrictions the hack imposes on any of this [although your prior comment re: 'no impact on get_usb_power()' is '
I'm probably too confused [e.g what is 'normal' CHDK operation, in context of this discussion] for comment to help at the moment [although i'll not object

You've provided a lot of gems to start working on - i'll try and decide on a camera [2 of] and get a 'real case' going. Theory and practice are alternative sides of the aforementioned penny !
Edit: Temp Info Store
Inspect notes for suitable candidates @
http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdk/trunk/platform/http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6972.msg74849#msg74849 philmoz 23/oct/2011: "Just to clarify I have done the G12, SX30, IXUS310 and helped on the SX130."
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=6972.msg90562#msg90562waterwingz 10/sep/2012: "The A3300 was ported by somebody with no programming background. The current notes.txt file says that the USB functions have not been tested. It seems to be fine but it is probably not the most complete CHDK port."